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The day after meeting Lucifer and Cherri Bomb, Y/N sat at the freshly cleaned bar

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The day after meeting Lucifer and Cherri Bomb, Y/N sat at the freshly cleaned bar. Talking to Husk and Angel, he figured it'd be good to get to know them better, seeing as how he hadn't much of an impression on the two sinners. "Agh.. I have tha worst headache." Angel Dust rubbed his head, strumming his fingers through his white fur. "Drinking ain't gonna fix it." Husk scoffed, causing Angel to roll his eyes.

Y/N's eyes gazed at the seen, the banter between the two demons. Watching their small remarks mixed with sweet words towards each other. It was a weird mix, but entertaining nonetheless. "Oh, that reminds me!" Angel quickly turned his head towards Y/N. "Do ya know anyone in Hell, besides us?" The spider demon asked. Y/N shrugged, "I don't think anyone I know would've made it to Hell." He said. "Hm, that makes sense. Do ya plan on gettin a job?" The demon asked. Y/N's thoughts quickly switched. A job? "Wait— do I have to pay to be here?" A slight worry rushed over him. "Nope, the stay is free. But eating won't be around here. Have ya even had a bite since ya made to Hell?" Angel asked. Y/N exhaled in relief, before coming to the realization, he hadn't eaten. "Oh, I guess it hasn't come to mind." He shrugged. "You've got to eat." Husk chimed in.

Angel pointed his index to his chin, "hmm... there might be something in the kitchen?" He added. Y/N tilted his head to a slight, "I'll go see if I can find anything," he said. Before standing off the stool and made his way to the hotel kitchen.

Browsing through the cupboards, Y/N quickly jolted at the quickly removed touch on his shoulder. "Ack!" He thumped his horned head against the cupboard door. Rubbing it with his hand. "Ah! My apologies for the sudden startle~!" The muffled voice behind him cooed.  An annoyed expression drowned over Y/N's face, already tired of the hotelier.

"Alastor... can I help you?" Y/N asked, agitation ringing his tone. The radio demons smile widened as he hooded his eyes, cocking his head. "Why, of course not! Can I not just have a chat?~" He leaned down, only raising slight closer to Y/N's face. Making it possible to feel the others breath. "Right." Y/N scooted to the side, escaping the uncomfortable position. "Hm.~ are you looking for a meal~?" The overlord asked with a hum. "Yeah. I can't seem to find anything," Y/N crossed his arms. Alastor placed his hands on top of his microphone cane. "Well—" "Y/N!" Alastor was quickly cut off by the chirpy and nervous tone of the king, walking into the kitchen with his arms hidden behind his back.

"Oh! Hey, Lucifer." He replied. The king's eyes flickered towards the deer like demon. "Ugh." He rolled his eyes, "it's you." The king scoffed. Alastor's smile tightened, his eyes squinted. "Ph, well I'm not here for you anyway!" Lucifer directed his attention back to Y/N. "Charlie told me you like gardening.. was it? But uh since there aren't any gardens around here... I got you the next best thing—! Sorta!" Lucifer awkwardly chuckled. With that, he opened his arms, showing a book which read; The Art Of A Flower. "Oh, wow!" Y/N held the book in his hands, scanning over the cover. "Thanks, Lucifer, really." He smiled warmly.

"It's no biggie, it'll give you something to do now that you're in Hell.." he exhaled shallowly. "Gardening, hmm?~ Explains your flowery appearance." Alastor smugly smiled. "Uhh, yeah. It was a little hobby. It never got anywhere, though." Y/N shrugged, "well... if you're looking for a job, you could always plant flowers for people." The king slowly spoke. Y/N's ears perked, he hadn't had any money. So it wasn't a bad idea, seeing as how that was really the only thing he was good at.

"Thank you for the idea, I think I'll go start reading this in my room." Y/N gently smiled. "Oh? What about that meal, my dear~?" Alastor asked. Y/N quickly sighed, "right! Food." He deadpanned.

"Why, since there is nothing in this measly kitchen, why don't we go out, friend, on me~?" The radio demon offered, Y/N looked towards the overlord. "Seriously? You'd do that?" He asked curiously. "Of course! The least I can do for our newest member." He winked. Y/N thought the offer over,

"Thanks, Alastor."

Sitting across from Alastor was an awkward and uncomfortable situation. The walk there being just as. Honestly, Y/N regretted the thought of eating with Alastor. He'd rather starve than stay another minute under Alastor's gaze, seeing as how he didn't try hiding it in the slightest. The saliva built up in Y/N's throat, not wanting to break the silence abruptly with a swallow. Looking down at his thighs, shaking them up in down. "Y/N~." His attention quickly flicked up, a slight uneasiness flowing through his body. "You seem tense! Loosen up, my friend, I don't bite." Alastor chuckled. "sadly." Y/N mumbled. Before quickly washed over by the surprise and embarrassment of his own words. His face flushed. "Why did I just say that?!" He prayed Alastor didn't pay attention. It wasn't like Y/N had any attraction to Alastor that didn't have platonic feelings, it was just by habit to say those flirty little replies he had developed over the years. "Oh? Others seem to say otherwise." Alastor hummed.

Y/N's knee hit against the underneath of the table, "AH, NO, I—" "Relaaax! I understand~." Alastor's voice muffled by the static. "Does he though? This guy seems kind of outta his time period..?" Y/N tilted his head, unsure if Alastor had gotten his humor or not. But decided to brush it off anyway.

"Right... so, uh, anyway.." Y/N awkwardly picked at his fingers. "Y/N, why don't you tell me about yourself! I'm quite curious." The overlord charmed, Y/N perked up. "Uhh.. well. What is there to say?" He asked with a slight chuckle in words. Alastor's chin rested on his pitch black hands, he slightly tilted his head, lidding his eyes. Y/N swallowed. "Right. Uh.. well, I'm twenty-seven, I care for—cared— my mother." Y//N hesitated. "I guess I like flowers." He shrugged. "Oh! You're quite an underwhelming figure. I wonder why you have such an attire? You don't seem the part of an Overlord!" Alastor chuckled, "overlord? What?" Y/N cluelessly questioned.

"Ah, that's correct! You haven't a clue on what an Overlord is, have you?" Alastor's smile wore a sly intent. Y/N shook his head responsively. "Hm, we are above just any average sinner! With a slight increase in power, an—" "wait, you're one? You don't look like it." Y/N added. A slightness of annoyance tugged on Alastor's smile. "Of course!~ as if I'd be a mere sinner, I wouldn't dream of it!" He chuckled. "-I make deals!"

Y/N tilted his head, "Speaking of~ I have quite the offer." Alastor's fingers laced through each-other. "It's clear you are no ordinary imp.~" he purred, "I recognize such a sinner, it's no hidden fact you're more powerful than you display." The demons smile etched a smug tone. "So! How about a deal? I help you find your powers and you just have to do a small little favor." Alastor finished. Y/N paused, a deal? Why?

"A favor?.. likeeee?" Y/N dragged his words. "Oh nothing big! Just a small favor... don't worry~ no one would get harmed!" Alastor's tone quickly shifted to a happy tone. Honestly, power didn't intrigue Y/N too much. But maybe, he needed it if he was spending the rest of eternity in this pit.

"No one will get harmed? At all?" Y/N assured, Alastor nodded. "I wouldn't dream of such!~" He chuckled.

"Okay... sure."


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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𖦹 MALE Y/N X HELLUVA/HAZBINWhere stories live. Discover now