Prologue: Meeting with The Divine Creator

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There was a monk standing in front of a vast golden gate that seemed to have no limit to how massive it was.

He wore a grey old monk suit his skin had a texture of the cosmos itself. He had flown all the way here across the vast void that encompasses every story lacking time and space all the way here waiting for someone powerful to reply. The someone that the monk is waiting for is someone powerful. The one who created all stories, the King of God of all stories.

Soon multiple angel-like entities approached the monk all wearing a white robe and everything your typical angel has.

The angels then asked politely "What are you here for?"

The monk then told the angels, "I am here because the creator of all stories has called me here"

The angels then telepathically reported the higher angels about the monk's arrival, soon multiple higher angels and Archangel Gabriel in the middle of everything teleported in front of their location.

"So, you're the monk, the creator of that storyline that the lord asked to be delivered infront of him? I would gladly accept your request and deliver you to our lord," Gabriel and the rest of the higher angel then turned around to the gate.

"Come along" Gabriel and the rest of the angels began to escorted Outis across the vast infinite dimension that transcends the concept of dimensions from other stories across creation. Outis saw many white clouds with many golden cities on top of each other with many angels living their lives, scattered across the dimension.

Soon the Monk saw a massive cathedral in the distance that towered almost everything in the dimension and he was amazed by the sheer architecture feat, he wondered did the angels construct this or God.

Soon they arrived at the gateway of the vast cathedral, once their inside the monk was blown away by the beautiful paintings of a war between the angels and evil itself at the start of creation with Michael commanding the legion of angels. Usually beautiful art that took many months or even years to make by humans or mortals alike doesn't impress him, but this is different from what he had seen for almost a googolplex amount of years.

Soon he looked and saw the guardian generals of the angels Michael himself standing in formation in the middle of the cathedral. He and the rest of the angels looked at the visitors of the cathedral with attention, they all chanted God's name "Yahweh!" and posed in formation. Michael then walked up to the visitors and greeted the monk.

"So you the monk that created that story," Michael then gave the monk a hand offering him a handshake.

"Thank you, I don't take handshakes, it's a pleasure to meet with you" The monk then kindly rejected Michael's offer.

"Well no handshake, I shall then show you our lord as ordered" Michael replied.

The monk followed the angels to a massive vast balcony facing a vast infinite golden sky. The monk was puzzled and then asked. "General Michael, Are you sure that this is the throne of God?"

"It is the throne of God, he will talk to you soon" Michael replied.

Soon a powerful male voice was heard echoing across the cathedral from the skies saying "Outis you have finally arrived, it's been a second since I commanded you to come, I am impressed by your abilities to come here this fast, But I have some news for you"

The monk's name which now has been revealed to be Outis asked, "My Creator, I had come after months of nonstop traveling what do you have for me?"

Soon a hole appeared in the fabric of reality and came a glowing purple sphere with lightning across it.

"I urge you to give this weapon to a human in your world. A human I choose that is capable of defending her world from threats outside of her world. Her name is Jaiden" God replied.

"Jaiden? I know that human, she's one of my creations, so you want me to give her that weapon?" Outis asked.

"Yes, give it to her" Then the weapon descended down upon Michael hands and he grabbed it gently with his two hands it revealing to be a dark purple sword. Michael then handed Outis the sword "Here you go" and Outis received it.

"I'll send this to an Avian Empire scientist Coes for holding" Outis replied.

Outis was soon escorted out of the cathedral, and God felt something caught in his vision. "A demon God will come to Jaiden's world," he thought, "She needs to prepare"

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