Prologue II: A Few Weeks Later (Remade II)

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There was a boy in his preteens, sleeping on a separate bed in a room with three other boys in a bed with a mattress covered in suffocation-proof bed sheets, and a rough blanket wrapping around the boy.

Soon the sunlight shined on their faces and the birds were chirping indicating that it was the morning.

The boy got out of his bed while the other boys were still asleep and began to tidy his bed, he walked up to the bathroom in his room and brushed his teeth. He soon grabbed his usual notebook and a box of crayons to doodle with, and headed to the hangout spot of their unit.

Once he arrived at the hangout spot it was set up like a dining area, and he looked around and was one of the few kids there because it so early in the morning about 7:21 am as he saw in the digital clock near the nurse's room.

The boy soon found a spot to doodle and write out his thoughts, and he doodled anime girls and some random things he felt like drawing in all crayons since apparently, the entire unit deems pencils as a potential self-harming tool or toxic if ingested. 

Soon more kids came into the hangout spot and one kid stood out from the rest, he was Zion. Zion was the only boy in the unit who isn't biologically a boy in fact he was biologically a girl. Because of this condition the unit allowed Zion and many other trans boys to be in this unit.

Also Zion isn't even his real name, in fact the boy doesn't know his actual name.

The staff then arrived at the hangout room, and they were there to keep a watch on them, they wore their usual blue uniform with the hospital logo on their chest. It's their usual shift now.

Soon the boy heard some staff calling his name, "Dodo! It's time for your morning meds".

The boy now known as Dodo stopped doodling, and ran up to where the nurse's are. Dodo arrived at a plastic transparent barrier between him and the nurse. The nurse is an Arabic woman, in a nurse outfit. She began to dump cold water in a plastic cup and placed the medications in a small paper-wrapped cup.

"Dodo here your 1 Milligram of risperidone," the nurse then handed the medications through a square opening within the transparent barrier.

Dodo then put the the medications in his mouth, drank the water and replied "Thank you". Dodo then returned back to the hangout room and something caught his eye

The TV was open now, and he looked at the screen it was an Amercian news woman reporting on the news that happened in Africa.

"As we bring you the latest news of the world, President Jimmy of the United States on his recent legislation to bring at least 200 billion worth of medical supplies to the poorer regions of Africa and India, he even promoted his fundraising work on his YouTube channel MrMonster to bring awareness to this Messor virus epidemic happening across the poorer regions of the world"

"This news is pretty boring the virus has already been mostly contained in the poorer countries and it wouldn't affect us right now" One of the staff a black man replied with a remote in his hands.

"I want to watch the Simpsons," One kid replied out of boredom.

"Alright, here you go" the black staff then handed the kid the remote.

Dodo felt bored and tired as his medications had already been kicking in, he wanted something to get his mind off of this tiredness.

Soon one of the staff entered the room pushing an big metal cart into the hangout room, the staff then told everyone, "Breakfast, everyone get your breakfast"

All of the boys lined up in one line and received our breakfast. Dodo grabbed onto his tray which contained a pancake and scrambled eggs.

He had selected a breakfast we wanted the day before, Dodo walked up to an empty TV and turned it on while he is eating, and this time his usual eyes that are easily bored from regular things on their TV was glued to the screen.

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⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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