ch 1(backstory)

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TW: ableism , racism , abuse , sexism , child forced to watch a murder , etc. (most of these topics will be reaccuring thoughout future chapters , if you are not comfy with these topics , this is your warning , and welcome readers to silent promises.)

A baby was born , a beautiful little girl ,to a african-american mother and a mexican-american father.

And oh how happy they were , until the hearing test was failed , and suddenly the most happiest day of their lives turned dark and cold.

And so after being released from the hospital , she was left at an old church , and they were gone when the doors open.

As an elder nun opened the door she looked out and as she was about to close it , she gasped looking down , a chid , no a baby , in nothing more than a cardboard box , laid on top of blankets ,she was crying and quivering,the cries were slightly silent the nun noticed,it wasn't until she saw a note taped to her onesie that she realized.

All it said was that she was born deaf , her race and ethnicity, and a name , a beautiful name , the Nun picked up the child who calmed down , eyes wide with curiousity.

"Rosaleigh Leora , what a beautiful name." She said as they went into the church.


After she turned two , Rosaleigh was placed into foster care , multiple homes.

"Can't you fucking hear!,Listen to me!"

"Why won't you speak!,Say somthing , your deaf not mute."

"At least make a noise , don't just stand there!"

"What are you? , I mean your not fully black , yet you ain't fully mexican either."

From the ages two to ten that's all that was said , in that time she would learn sign language and the only reason she knew what was being said was because she learned how to read lips , the ways they moved , or body language , the gleam in their eye's , twitches of the body , soft or heavy breathing , chest heaving,she learned this from reading books from the library , the librarian was a good woman , april , she gave the child free books as she came in everytime she could.

She enjoyed reading about both the african and mexican culture , she learned how to read spanish , and while reading lips , she learned how to know if it was english or spanish being spoken.

Wearing no shoes wasn't practical , however she preffered it , she might not be physically able to hear noises , however she can feel , feel through the vibrations.

However not many people were as nice as April was , at ten she ran away when they tried placing her in a new home , so she stayed on streets , bathing and food were also somthing april had offered , however she couldn't always go to the library so , the dirt and sweat building up all because one stupid cop that hangs out near there was determined to take her back and give her to the system.

The street's of Santo padre were not for the weak , you have to survive , to fight , to steal , because of the cop hanging at the library , that's what she had to do , and she did it pretty damn good.

Ok at first it was a bit rough , her first steal was a big piece of steak from the meat shop ,Carnicería Reyes , oh she got that meat all right , but she was still working on the whole feeling the vibrations on certain surfaces , being chased by a broom was not on her list , and man that old guy could run.

Silent promises // Ezekiel ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now