Part 1

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Martinus POV~
Everyday without Y/N is hard for me. I love her with all of my heart. She is the kindest person I've met. I wish I could live closer to her, but I cannot because of the tour coming up, and Y/N is still living in the US. The time difference is only 6 hours now because she moved to a different state, but it's still hard on us. We do our best to call every night, but she doesn't talk to me like she used to. I know she still loves me and sees a future with me, but I made her feel like I couldn't trust her because I kept my real job a secret from her. My twin brother, Marcus, and I are famous singers, especially in Europe. We're going on tour, and that's when I finally explained to Y/N what I actually do. She's always asking me to sing for her because she loves how she can hear me smiling when I sing. I just hope I can make her feel like I do trust her before we leave on tour.

(T~Martinus, M~Marcus, N~Nora)
T~I'm very concerned for Y/N because she hasn't been communicating as thoroughly as she normally does. I know that you & I keeping the secret of our job was very hard on her, Marcus. I'm scared that she thinks that I don't trust her and don't love her, but I do! She loves me for me, and she's so open and honest, which helps me to be open and honest with her, too. Nora, please help me help her feel comfortable with me again.
N~You weren't fully open and honest with her, so I understand why she's being a bit guarded right now.
T~How can I fix it?
M~Maybe surprise her then bring her back to Norway and spend a couple weeks with her, reintroducing her to the real Martinus.
N~I agree with Marcus. You should let your parents know the plan. I'm sure they will be excited to meet her.
T~Yeah they've been hounding me about it.

-Later that day-
(T~Tinus, K~Kjell-Erik, G~Gerd Anne)
T~I think I'm going to surprise Y/N.
G~Oh I know she's going to love that!
K~But what?
T~Marcus, Nora, and I agreed that I should bring her back to Norway with me and spend a few weeks here with her before we start the tour.
G~Oh my goodness! I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet Y/N! Kjell-Erik, don't you feel the same?
K~I do. It's just that she's not really happy with you right now, Martinus.
T~I know, but I need to fix that before we start the tour.
K~That would be a smart thing to do.
G~I agree with your father.
hi!!!! new story, same main characters + nora :)

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