Part 2

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*A few days later*


Martinus told me he wanted to call me tonight, but this time seems different. I'm scared that he might break up with me because he wants to focus on the tour. I'm thinking of calling Nora & Marcus, but idk if I should. I'm scared that they'll tell Martinus my concerns, and it'll make Martinus even more upset with me than he might already be.

Martinus POV~

I have decided to wait until I get to Y/N's house to truly apologize to her because it's what I believe is best for our relationship. I should have broke the news to her in person the last time I visited, but I didn't. I can't change that mistake. I can only learn from it, so I decided that this is what is needed at the point in our relationship.

I need her, and she needs me. We complement each other so well, and she's the only person (besides my family) that I can be my complete self around. She has dealt with a lot of horrible things in her life, and I'm her escape but also her hopeful future.

I think that this is the best way to restore that peace of mind for each other. Plus, I miss her kind words and kisses.

Oh my.. how much I love kissing her.

Whenever our lips touch, I just melt into them.

She, also, gives THE BEST hugs. I love cuddling with her. Laying on her chest while she plays with my hair is my version of heaven on earth.

I want her to feel the complete security and happiness our relationship can bring to the both of us. She is my rock, my safe place. She is my other half.

She is my eternal companion.


Martinus's name flashes on my phone, so I reluctantly answer the call.

(T~Martinus, Y~Y/N)
T-Hello beautiful.
Y-Hi honey. How are you?
T~I'm doing pretty well actually. How are you?
Y~I'm fine.
T~I know you're not, and I'm really sorry for making you feel like I can't trust you.
Y~It's fine, Martinus. I understand why you couldn't tell me.
T~I get that, but I still want to make it up to you.
Y~What do you mean "make it up to me?"
I hear someone knocking on my door, so I go answer it.
Y~Hold on someone just knocked on the door.
T~Oh okay. I wonder who it is.
Oh my! Who do you think is at the door? I'm actually liking this story so far haha. Martinus really loves Y/N the way we ALL deserve to be loved. Thank you for reading :)

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