Chapter 1, Ep2: His confession; our interconnection.

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I step away from him to arrive over to the nearest bench ( which that bench being an electric box since that was the closest I could get,) where i sit so I'm able to catch my breath before answering this sudden proposal of love...From my own crush?

"We've been talking for a while.. And i know you like me as much as i like you.." He says as hot air is released onto my ear and I shiver.

I peer into his eyes searching for any hint at a prank and come up empty handed. At a loss for words and a need for an answer, he grabs my hand and walks away farther from the two, and as he takes one step more, I look up to a view closely compared to the beauty of Mona Lisa.

I notice a shake in my feet and look down to notice a slightly steep hill tagged along with a gorgeous blue night sky.

" are you sure you want to answer?" he asks me, reaching out a palm.

Without question, I take his hand and he swipes me into his arms as we roll down.

Giggles galore could've been heard from far. I roll over to appreciate my other view when our eyes lock and make two pairs.

" So whats your choice...?" he murmurs

Reaching in closer, ready to take my only opportunity to make this boy into a man, I lean in, as does he. Silent groans of pleasure escape his throat only allowing for the most careful of listeners to hear. I lean in deeper, needing more of his kisses,

His touch,

His smell,

His heart,

His mouth,

More of him. And i'd do anything to have it

The tension builds as he becomes more aggressive with each tug and suddenly-

"Wait" He breaks away. "Someone's here, head down mama"

My nerves sky rocket as the little old me was running the risk of certain death with her crush at this moment. What more could a girl ask for!- anyways.

I take notice as his head slowly peeps up from under the covers of the ground floor when an abrupt and hearty laughter erupts from his throat.

" It's our friends, Ash. We totally forgot we had company"

Shying away due to flushed cheeks as my friends all giggle at my brazen public affection, I turn away and laugh awkwardly so that I wouldn't be seen.

" Sorry we were being stupid.." I stutter, rushing to explain.

" Ur good, we can all chill over here if you'd like!" Asol exclaims.

Asol, her man, jay and I all roll down the hill once again to enjoy an awesome night under the stars. I notice an arm sliding down my back caressing me, and peer over to notice that it wouldn't have been a problem. Asol and her man were way ahead of Jay's boy - like thoughts. I couldn't have been happier to be around a group of people.


After a few minutes of collective rest and retreat time, we all go our separate ways and jay offers me a ride home.

— FIN —

Hey i'll have uploaded the third part by the time you would have been reading this but sorry if these posts start to become a little shorter. This story may or may not be a projection of previous situations reflected + reminisced by me so it's hard to write this at times. Bear wimme guys. Lol. see y'all in the next one, bieee <3.



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