Late Night Escort

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Ria's POV

The song was amazing. The words, the lyrics, everything was so beautifully put together. I couldn't quite place it, but I felt a strange connection to it.

Silas looked deeply engrossed in the song, and it made me wonder who it was about. Was it about a friend? Or perhaps a love interest?

"The museum's gonna close soon. Wanna check out the top floor?" Bree suggested as Silas's solo came to an end.

I glanced up at the grand staircase leading to the top floor. "Sure, why not?"

"Yeah, it's supposed to be some kind of interactive art display," Bree informed me, pulling me across the room.

"You might like it," Aura added.

I followed, the music growing softer as we ascended. "I like any kind of art, Aura."

"Yeah, definitely, since you like the art and the artist," Aura teased, and Bree chuckled, shaking her head.

My cheeks heated up, and I was sure I went through five stages of red. "He's just a friend, stop saying that."

As we reached the top, I was in awe. Each painting conveyed something much deeper.

"This is amazing," I whispered, afraid if I spoke too loud, all of this would disappear.

Bree nodded, equally entranced. "It's incredible."

Together, we moved through the exhibit, the music now just a faint echo in the distance.

Each painting was better than the one before. They were just strokes of lines and curves, but they spoke volumes. A single stroke was enough to convey love and despair.

I always strived to be this good. Seeing all this beauty, I couldn't help but feel a longing to pick up my own paintbrush at home and create. It had been a while since I did that. It used to make my parents so proud of me, but now all hope seemed lost with them.

 "Ladies and gentlemen, the museum will be closing in fifteen minutes. Please make your way to the exits." the speaker echoes.

"We should probably head out," Bree said, nudging Aura.

"Yeah," Aura agreed. "Let's go."

As we made our way to the exit, chatting about the art we'd seen, we stood at the entrance trying to order a cab when Silas appeared, striding towards us with a broad grin.

Bree and Aura exchanged quick glances. "Oh, look at the time," Bree said, feigning surprise. "We should get going."

"Yeah, totally," Aura added, her voice light. "See you later, Ria."

Before I could protest, they hurried off, leaving me alone with Silas. Traitors.

"Hey," he said, a smirk on his lips as he watched my friends leave. "Enjoy the exhibit?"

"Yeah, it was amazing," I replied. "Your performance was incredible, too."

"Thanks," he said, looking pleased. "I'm glad you liked it, princess."

We stood there for a moment, the museum around us emptying out. I could still hear the echoes of the music, mingling with the quiet excitement of the night.

"So, how do you plan to go home?" Silas asked, his tone casual.

"I was supposed to go home with them," I admitted. "But the traitors left me alone."

Silas looked thoughtful for a moment, then chuckled. "I'll drop you home, princess." He bowed, adding an effect to his words.

I smirked. "You're willing to be my chauffeur, blue eyes?" my tone teasing.

He nodded, adopting a mock professional look. "Anything for you, your highness."

"Wait here," he said, running off towards the parking area.

"Great. Now I have to go home with him, and there's no way I'm going in a cab alone. Maybe this would be safer, I hope," I mumbled to myself as he disappeared from view.

I heard a rev and Silas reappeared. My eyes darted to his bike. "You have a motorcycle?"

"Yeah, why do you say it like that?"

"I expected you to drive a Camry or a minivan. Something safe and reliable."

"That sounds like an insult."

"It's not an insult if it's the truth."

"Come on," he said, holding up the spare helmet. "Let me give you a ride."

I spun on my heels, walking in the opposite direction. "Thanks, but I'll walk."

He followed after me. "I can get you there quicker."

"I refuse to get on that thing."

"I'm a very careful driver."

"No such thing on a motorcycle."

"It's not safe, let me drop you."

"I can handle myself, blue eyes."

"Do you know how many women get abducted every year in this country?"

"What about motorcycle accidents, hmm? Do you know those statistics as well?"

I guided her to the sidewalk and held her still. "I do, and you're safer on a bike than you are walking at night in Bluehaven."

"Promise you won't go too fast," I said, holding out my pinky.

He chuckled, "I promise, Princess," wrapping his pinky around mine. "Now c'mon."

I sigh and follow him to the death machine. I swallow as he takes the helmet and pushes it over my head and tilts my chin to adjust the buckle underneath. He gets on fluidly

"Get on princess"

"This is a bad choice" I mumble.

"Hold onto my shoulders." he reaches back and flips down the passenger foot pegs. "Then swing your left leg over to the other side."

I do as he says, mounting the bike behind him.

"Now wrap your hands around me and hold on."

My hands slide around his waist, and he pats my hand. "You ready?"


"I promise, I won't go fast."

I press my body against him, squeezing him tight, taking a deep breath. "Okay, I'm ready."

He turns the key in the ignition, hits some switches, and presses the start button. The engine rumbles to a start, and I dig my fingers into his ribs. The sound scaring me already.

"Calm down princess" I hear his voice inside my helmet.

"What? How did you do that?"

His chuckle fills my eardrums, "I have mics synced up in my helmet. Now, deep breaths princess."

I take some breaths and ease my hold on him. He pulls out onto the road, and my grip tightens again.

"Princess" his voice seemed strained, "I can't breath"

I lose my grip, just a tiny bit. "Not my fault, it's my first time"

"Seems like I am taking your first time princess," he teases and it sounds very very unholy.

I hit him against his back, "Weirdo."

He stops at a red light and my hands automatically drop on the gas tank.

"Look at you princess, already knowing where to put your hands" he praises.

My stomach does some weird moves as I hear his voice in my ears.

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