Unveiling the Past

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Ria's POV

I woke up to the soft beeping of the hospital machines, my body aching but my mind slowly becoming aware of my surroundings. Last night, after a love declaration for each other, me and Silas fell asleep. Talking about that blue-eyed idiot. Where is he? I look around, the early morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the white room.

Footsteps approached, and the door creaked open. My aunt and uncle entered, their faces etched with urgency. As soon as they saw me, their expressions shifted to a mix of relief and overwhelming emotion. My aunt rushed to my side, her eyes brimming with tears.

"I was so scared, Ria," she cried, her voice trembling as she took my hand in hers. "I thought I'd lose you too."

My uncle stood beside her, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, but his gaze remained fixed on me, concern evident in his every feature.

"Marie," I whispered, "I'd never die without putting up a fight."

She choked out a laugh, pulling me into a gentle embrace. "We were so worried, sweetheart. When we got the call... I can't even describe the fear we felt."

I felt a pang of guilt for causing them such distress, for ruining their vacation, but I was grateful for their presence. "I'm sorry," I whispered, tears filling my own eyes. "I didn't mean to worry you."

My uncle leaned in, his voice soft but steady. "You have nothing to apologize for, Ria. We're just glad you're safe now. We'll get through this together."

I nodded, and the door opened again. This time, Silas, Bree, and Aura entered. Bree and Aura came up to me and hugged me tight.

"Never ever do that again, R. Because if you do, the next time you wake up, I'll be ready to send you to hell," Bree threatened.

"I promise," I said, holding her tightly.

I looked around for Aura but couldn't find her. "Where did Aura go? She was here a second ago."

Everyone exchanged worried glances before my aunt spoke up. "Aurelia is trying day and night to find who did this to you..." She hesitated. "Would you tell us what happened?"

I was shocked by the information. I had been out for what, ten days? And all this time, they were looking for the culprit. I gulped tightly and nodded. "I'll tell you."

"I'll call Aura inside," Bree suggests and I nod.

Once everyone was settled, I began. "You all might know that my parents..." I sucked in a breath. "...lost their lives in a car accident. I was there, right behind papa. There was this car beside us that was speeding, and I had told papa to speed up and go faster than the other car." I chuckled, playing with the ring on my finger. "Since I was their princess, papa did as I asked. We sped off and didn't see the truck coming from the other side..." I looked down. "...And it crashed right into us. I'm lucky to be alive, but not my parents. It hurts knowing I'm the reason they died. If I had just kept my mouth shut, they'd be here with me."

Tears fell freely down my face. I heard a chair scrape the floor. "Sit down, there's more." I hesitated, but they needed to know. I looked back up at all of them. Silas moved his chair next to my bed and held my hand.

"Go on, Princess," he urged gently.

"I was dating back then. Mama and papa knew and supported me." I looked at Silas. "His name was Caleb. After my parents... lost their lives, I couldn't bear to live in the house where I grew up. I couldn't see mama's paintings on every surface, or venture into the kitchen where they'd make food together, teasing and laughing." I scoffed, "I decided to move in with Caleb in his apartment. He was two years older and had a job. Not that I needed the money, but my parents' money wasn't mine until I turned eighteen. At first, I'd cry a lot, and he'd comfort me. Later on, he asked me to clean up after him as a thank you for letting me stay, so I did. Then it was cooking and buying groceries."

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