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"Listen closely, my nephews are out there, and they need me." Claire was at the hospital reception, debating her way through.
"I'm sorry ma'am, he is in no condition to be released." The man behind the tall desk sternly told her. He sat behind piles of documents, his glasses slipping further down the bridge of his nose. He had a white golf shirt on with a mustard stain on.
"But why? He is in perfect condition. His wounds have completely healed. Even the doctors were surprised at his rapid recovery. Why can't he come?"
The man looked at her sarcastically, his unsympathetic brown eyes looking over the upper frames of his glasses and his brow arched high. He could tell her that doctors were no longer interested in him. Yes, they queried the strange slime that healed him, and they pondered where they can get more, but they also had another patient to see. Dinosaur attacks had been occurring more and more frequently and the amount of doctors were low as it was. They were needed elsewhere. Rather, they forwarded their inquiry to the people who did have time on their hands, the scientists. And the only remaining scientists that dealt in chemical engineering and biological problems worked at InGen. These scientists demanded that Owen Grady stayed inside the hospital until they sent someone for further inspection.
But instead, the man said, "Sorry ma'am, it's general procedure." He continued to look at patients' files.
Claire banged her wrist on the wooden countertop, next to where the man had put his two litre Coke which was half empty. "Please. You have to help me somehow." She pleaded.
"Sorry, there's nothing I can do until otherwise stated."

Claire was defeated. Her mission to get Owen out of the hospital as soon as possible was destroyed. She dropped her anxious face and felt disappointed. She walked back down the marble floors, her shoes screeching with each step. Then she got an idea. She could feel her mind unwind. She was going to have to bust Owen out of here.

"Grey?" Zach said to Grey scooped up in his arms. Zach jerked his arm a little, to rock Greys head. Grey gasped; his eyes awoke.
"Zach," Grey whimpered.
"What is it buddy?"
"Why are you holding me like a baby?"
Zach chuckled. He released Grey from his clutch. "Does it hurt?"
"Does what hurt?"
"Your leg?"
Grey looked up at him in confusion. He propped himself up on his elbows. "What happened to my -"
His face went white. He saw the crisp edges of his shin bone protruding from his leg. The bottom half of his shin was at an awkward angle. Greys eyes went wide. For a second, he lost his breath. He began to shiver.
"What happened to my leg?" He squealed. He began reversing on his elbows, refusing to accept his leg was completely snapped. His leg swivelled from the awkward angle to straightening up. "I can't feel my leg!"
His leg had stopped bleeding and pus was bubbling around the edges. Zach thought this was odd – a smashed leg should not start to heal at all until medical support had seen it and treated it accordingly.
"Calm down! Just calm down! It's okay! It's healing! Just look away, don't look at it!" Zach said in a loud stern voice to Grey. "What does mom always say to calm down?"
"Out of sight, out of mind." Grey whimpered. His face red and tears running down his cheeks.
"Exactly. If you can't feel it or see it, it's not there." Zach replied. Although he did think it was incredibly strange that Grey had an incredibly serious injury and could not feel it. He wondered if it had something to do with the slime the weird girl put on it.
"It's going to be ok. We going to find a hospital somehow."

As he said that he heard a light squeal then a purr. A perky little snake like face poke out of the grass and looked at Grey's wound. The little creature appeared to be chicken sized and scrawny. Green mottled skin. The dinosaur moved its head like a bird, darting back and forth inspecting the situation it stumbled upon.
"What is that?" Zach leaned down and whispered to Grey.
"Procompsognathus." Grey replied, "also known as Compys."
Zach stood up, straightening his back. "Get out of here!" He yelled at the compy. "Go! Scatter!"
Zach stomped forward, trying to scare off the creature. "I said leave!" He ran straight at it. The tiny thing shivered and pounced back into the safety of the tall grass.
"ZACH!" Grey screamed. Zach spun around on his heels, digging in the dirt. He saw Grey surrounded by at least a dozen compys. Zach sprinted to Grey, the compys fleed making a path for him. But as he reached Grey, a dozen more had leapt out of the grass and onto the road. They bared their teeth and growled ferociously. Their needle like teeth glinting in the setting sun.

Claire was dressed up as a doctor. She had all white overalls on with an apron, hairnet and mask to disguise herself. Maisie waited in the car. Claire was steering Owen, who groaned for 'effect'. She turned the corners swiftly, the wheels squeaking lightly on the marble floors. Owen was fully dressed but only his face showed, his clothed body was under the sheets. The revolving door was sprinting distance away from the secretary desk. The plan was simple: get to the secretary desk without being caught, then make a run for it to the car before the secretary notices.
The final corner approached. The long tube lights above glowed white. Claire strutted. Her hands tensed. She passed the desk heading to the door when the man said. "Hey! Where are you going?"
Claire froze in standing stance. "Now!" she screamed. Owen leapt up like a bullet out of a gun sprinting to the door, Claire followed him.
"Wait!" The man yelled. He quickly dialled the security number. "Patient escaped! I repeat patient 1014 has escaped! We need backup!"
Claire slammed the door to the driver's seat. She started the car and hit the accelerator as if her foot was magnetised to it. Owen slid in the passenger seat and held on for his life. In the parking lot, black SUVs surrounded them. Headlights on bright. Claire stopped accelerating and paused.
She heard a muffled voice through a megaphone say, "All we need is the patient for inspection."
She whispered, "Not today." Claire spun the car in donuts, sending up smoke in the wide arc of her tires. She took the chance and sped into the darkness, finding her way around. She saw the offramp from the surface and raced to it. About six black cars following them with flashing orange and yellow lights.

They breached into broad daylight, smacking the dirt road as their car ramped. They found themselves surrounded by a herd of triceratops. The large animals lumbered and rumbled as the car revved. As Claire moved swiftly through the pack, she checked her rear-view mirror. A large triceratops barrelled forward adjacent to the road and took out two cars, smashing them against each other. Claire gulped and saw an opening between the beastly dinosaurs' legs. She shot through it, hitting a triceratops's bulging tail as she did. The triceratops made an aggressive hooting sound and shook its long pointy horns. It turned its stubbed body towards the car and charged at full speed.
Claire screamed, "Hold on!" she braced for impact and carried on driving as fast as she could. But nothing came. Maisie opened her eyes after having them tightly shut. She turned around in her seat and saw the hybrid girl standing directly in front of the dinosaur in an awkward stance. The girl had her knees bent and arms arced. She swayed from side to side. The dinosaur looked amazed and then clumsily started turning away.
"Look!" Maisie cried. "She's making it go away!"
Claire slowed down. "I don't understand. It was coming right for us." She looked back, so did Owen, but the triceratops was rejoining its heard with low bellows and grunts. The girl was nowhere to be seen.
"She was there. I saw her!" Maisie said.
"Wait." Owen said. They were approaching a large forest area. "Is that not Zach and Grey?"
Claire slammed the brakes incredibly hard. The whole car jerked and stopped. A enormous pack of compys scattered in the car lights. 

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