INTRODUCTION: The InGen Incident

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Along with the rattle of tools, there was a distinct beep following the beats of a heart rate. The monitor showed a ragged green line, ticking up and down with every beat. The room was crowded with surgeons smothered in teal blue gowns and thick masks over their mouths. Everyone looked the same. Their gumboots clunked on the clean marble floor where bits of blood splattered. Two beds laid parallel to each other in the center of the room. Tubes and tanks and drips clung on to the patients. The surgeons swarmed over these patients. Otherwise, they scattered to the rims of the rooms where the built in white tables were, to fetch important instruments.
"What are we doing this for again?" A student who stood by the main surgeon asked. The main surgeon was more of an inspector, Dr Henry Wu. Wu wanted to first handedly overview the operation. This was one of the most crucial operations they had yet to perform.
"Because if we want to continue this project, we need to do this." he said sternly.
"But why?" The student pleaded.
"Because we can, and we should." Wu was irritated with the whiny student by now. He needed space to concentrate. This student wasted his time and patience.
"Coul-" The student was about to ask another question when Wu snapped.
"Don't you have something better to do? Do you even want to be on this project? Do you even understand how critical this is to save the entire planet? If you do, just shut it." The whole room froze in shock. All eyes stared at Wu.
"Don't you have work to do? Get on with it!" Wu shouted. With that, he stormed out the room. He angrily accepted that he would have to observe the procedure from behind the glass. Wu opened the steal door to the far end of the room. The feet of both beds faced the glass wall that Wu stood behind. Not a very good angle to see clearly but it would have to do. Wu tore off his mask form his face, his surgical cap too. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. Nobody seemed to understand how vital this was. If anything went wrong, the project would have to restart like they had recently done several times. The only difference is that they would have more useless, unworkable data from the collected DNA. The team at InGen labs was running out of Maisie's DNA to work with. Wu was worried about this and about a lot of other things.
He was concerned that a surgeon might slip his hand and cut the wrong thing, or a student would knock over the instruments, or the worst-case scenario, the patients would wake up. They never knew the right dosage of anaesthetic to give them, and they could not test it either. Too risky. They attempted to test regular human dosage of one of them previously, the subject died within seconds. It was a mistake not to be afforded again. But these subjects, the one in particular, were the best they had ever created. The one particular was strong, she was intelligent, she was hope for the project not to fail.
Wu was proud of himself for creating her. Version 4.4. She was indeed his greatest mastermind creation. After this operation, she would be given her first physical test and if she passed it, she would be the first successful model of her kind.
The operation at hand was to give both the living subjects a tracker. The weaker one did not need it as much as her. She needed it to prove herself worthy of the test. They also needed to place it somewhere where they could not rip it out. One student recommended inside a rib, everyone laughed except Wu. Wu thought about this critically. He then decided there was no better place. The rib was hard to break, it would injure the subjects severely if they tried to get rid of it themselves. And if they did, then the working team would know what the subjects have attempted, to remove it. Just like 3.9 did which lead to its death. 3.9 broke her rib which punched her left lung and whilst she did succeed in removing the microchip tracker, she drowned in her own blood, blood filling her lungs from the inside and then out her mouth. She did this in a matter of hours after her surgery, at around 7 PM. She was found the next day, at 3:45 AM with a hole in her chest and mouth like the source of a small river flowing blood. Wu did not want history to repeat itself with these two. He was running out of money and time and most importantly DNA. He wondered how he was going to manage without a team since he could no longer afford them, then he realised he could do the work himself if he had to. And Masie's DNA was far too fragile to experiment on, it was like cloning her once again but with less and less of her to work with. After all, Wu had some humanity to convince him not to do that. This was why he conducted the perfect experiment for 4.4.
Wu chuckled behind the glass as the surgeons began to stitch up their patients. The operation was successful. The moment of intensity was over, the moment of truth was up next.
"Are you sure it will work?" Another student popped up by his side from behind.
"I have never been more certain in my whole life." Wu smiled.

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