Chapter 12: The Unwanted Reunion

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"This lady has a quiet interesting acquaintances," the voice said and Aria did not have to see who it was. A chill ran down her spine but she composed herself and turned around and acknowledged Darven's presence.

She recognized him as Darven, the Fire Prince, and she knew that he has come here for the same reason as her: to find Caspor. She cursed her luck to run into him despite several measures. Seeing her with the only survivor of the kidnappings would surely raise his already existing suspicions. He was a sharp and cunning man, and she had no doubt that he would not let this opportunity pass. She felt a surge of cold sweat as he approached her. She hid it behind a smile and nodded back.

"Lord Darven, what a surprise to see you here," she said, feigning ignorance.

"I should be the one asking you that question, lady Aria," he said, his eyes gleaming with a smirk.

He looked at her as if he had just discovered a great secret. Aria felt a pang of fear, but she did not let it show. She could not let him find out who she really was, or what she was doing here. She was investigating the involvement of the Earth Kingdom in the disappearances, and she could not afford to be exposed. She had to lie to him, to throw him off her trail. She had to make him think that she was here for another reason, a harmless and innocent one.

"Never mind that. I'll tell you why I'm here. I'm looking for Caspor," he said. "Oh, is it?" she spoke, trying to sound casual.

"Aria, normal people.... ask why," he said, his voice mocking.

Aria felt a jolt of panic, but she kept her composure. "Sir, I don't pry into matters that don't concern me," she said, hoping he would drop the subject.

"But I do, and you do concern me. Tell me, why would someone like you come to such a remote place and meet the only survivor of the kidnappings?" he asked, his eyes narrowing.

Aria's heart skipped a beat. He was onto her. He was too nosy for his own good, and she had to get rid of him somehow. She put on her sweetest princess smile and said, "What are you talking about, sir? I just met this person to ask about red lava flowers. Someone told me he knew where they grow, "

"Red lava flowers?" he repeated, his tone skeptical.

"Yes, they are my mother's favorite flowers. I came here to find them for her birthday. It's coming up soon, you know. I'm sure you've received my invitation," she said, lying through her teeth.

She added a touch of concern to her voice and said, "And sir, I hope this case is not too serious and the people are safe." She maintained her innocent and naïve persona, and thanked God that she had learned about these rare and beautiful flowers that grew around here. She hoped that he would believe her story, that he would accept her explanation.

She hoped that he would leave her alone, that he would let her continue with her mission. But she knew that it was unlikely, that he was too clever and too curious to be fooled. She knew that he would not back down so easily, that he would not let her go without a challenge. She knew that this encounter was going to be more difficult than she had anticipated.

He had seen her talking to Caspor, and it did not look like someone asking for the location of flowers. He wondered why she was lying to him. That she was hiding something. He could see through her fake smile and her false concern. He could sense that she was nervous and scared, that she was desperate to get away from him. He wondered what she was really doing here, what she was really after. He decided to follow her upfront and find out more.

"Is that so? Then I would love to help you in getting those flowers," Darven suggested politely.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I don't want to waste our precious time. Please continue with your investigation," Aria explained firmly.

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