45. Let Your Feet Leave the Ground

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Content Warning: This chapter includes scenes of adult themes.


When they arrived back at Marge's house, Max, the dog, was waiting at the door to give them a big welcome. He jumped up at Gary and Ellie before finally calming down. Max had taken a particular liking to Ellie, always ready to shower her with attention whenever he got the chance.

"Come on, Max," Gary joked to the dog, who didn't understand a word but continued to fuss over Ellie. "She's my girlfriend," he teased, making Ellie and Marge laugh.

"Do you want a drink? Tea, coffee, water?" Gary asked.

"Just water will do fine, thank you," Ellie replied, sitting at the kitchen table while Gary helped his mum pack away the meat his uncle had sent home with them.

He ran the cold tap, filled a glass, and offered it to her. "Why don't you go and have a nap while Mum and I make dinner?" he suggested.

"Can I offer to do something?" Ellie asked, though it was clear she was struggling to stay awake even as she spoke to Gary.

"Go on, pet. Gary and I can manage. You get some rest," Marge insisted gently.

"I'll come up in a bit once dinner is cooking," Gary said, feeling like he could use a rest himself but unwilling to let his mum wait on them. Besides, he enjoyed cooking with her; it was a cherished routine that brought them closer.

Ellie kissed his cheek as she headed upstairs, her steps slow and heavy with exhaustion. She slid into bed, grateful for the soft, welcoming embrace of the blankets.

As Marge watched Ellie ascend the stairs, she remarked warmly, "She's a gooden, in't she?"

Gary glanced up, watching Ellie disappear around the corner. "The best," he confirmed, a soft smile spreading across his face.

Marge nodded, a knowing look in her eyes. "I'm glad you found her, Gary. She fits right in with the family."

Gary felt a swell of pride and contentment. "Me too, Mum. She's something special."

With that, they turned their attention to the kitchen. The comforting sounds of chopping and sizzling soon filled the air, accompanied by the familiar, easy chatter between mother and son. Gary cherished these moments, feeling a deep sense of home and belonging as they prepared the meal together.

When the food was all prepared and ready for cooking, Gary remarked, "Job done," rubbing his hands together with pride. He then excused himself to go and join Ellie and have a rest too. He kissed his mum on the cheek and hurried up the stairs, sending Max back down, knowing the dog would likely try to wake Ellie if he got into the room.

Gary slid onto the bed, placing his arm around Ellie. She instinctively turned toward him, still asleep, her arm curling around him as if she knew he was there even in her dreams. He wrapped both arms around her, feeling the warmth and comfort of their connection. In moments, he joined her in sleep, the exhaustion of the day melting away in the peaceful embrace they shared.


Gary hadn't meant to sleep as long as he did, but when he woke up, he could smell dinner permeating the house—it smelled delicious. He gently rubbed Ellie's arm to rouse her from her sleep, kissing her temple as she stretched and curled her arms around him.

"What time is it?"

"Dinner time, I reckon," Gary replied, realizing that she didn't have her hearing aids in. He made sure she could read his lips clearly. "Let's get refreshed and get something to eat," he encouraged as he swung his legs over the side of the bed.

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