508 44 19

•••Baton Rouge•••

Nina Davis, 26


Nina was taken to a room with a couch, a sink, a tv, and a refrigerator. She didn't know how Sincere got them visitation alone but she wasn't mad at it.

It looked like a mini apartment without the bedroom.

After sitting alone for about five minutes the door opened and an officer let Sincere in before taking off his cuffs.

Sincere locked the door behind himself and walked over to Nina. They'd get to spend two hours and thirty minutes together.

"Wassam witchu love?" He asked while hugging her. "I missed you." Nina smiled from ear to ear.

"I missed you too." Sincere gripped her butt before kissing on her neck. "Who you have to shank for us to get alone time?" She joked

"Nobody, I got money, I get what I want. Stop asking questions and be glad I did this for us."

"Ian in the mood for sex no more, I just wanna talk." He added "That's fine"

They sat down on the couch then he put his arm around Nina. He kissed her forehead then let her lay her head on his shoulder.

"Sincere, whenever you do get out you have to change your ways. I can't keep doing this every few years. It's not fair to us to have to go through this."

"I understand you're mentally ill but seek help. You'd rather not talk to a stranger about your business but it actually helps. Look how well my therapist helped me out. I'm a way better parent and wife than I was a few years ago." She continued

"You a damn good mom. But you as a wife? You a fucked up wife, that's what you are. Why you gotta cheat while we going through some shit?" Sincere felt a weird feeling in his throat as he swallowed. The feeling that you get when you're holding back tears.

He didn't like that fact that Nina ran back to Ricky as soon as she got the chance. He felt like she had been planning to be with him their whole relationship.

When really that's not what it was. Nina ran into him at an event and they reconnected. She didn't go looking for him nor did he go looking for her.

A tear fell from his eye so he quickly wiped it away. "Oh- i'm sorry." Nina spoke as she sat up to look at him.

"I love you... i'll cut him off I swear I will. I know i'm wrong, I don't even know what to say."

"What can you say? You tryna get, get back for when I cheated?" He questioned "No, if that was the case I woulda been cheated on you. The whole situation with Ricky just happened when I seen him at a event, I wasn't intentionally trying to talk to him again."

"Ion give a fuck what happened my feelings are hurt and I don't like that shit Nina. I feel like it's all about sex witchu, what you addicted to that shit or some? I know I be horny a lot but i'm only horny for you. It seem like you been horny for me and him for 'bout five, six years now."

"I can live without sex and you know that. I miss being babied and loved on. I know you still spoil me but you can't meet all my needs in jail Sincere."

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