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•••Baton Rouge•••

Nina Davis, 26


"Dee" Nina spoke "Noooooo I cannot babysit." He shook his head really hard.

"Boy first of all fuck you. Second, I was just finna ask if you wanted to go out to eat with me and the girls since you're not doing anything else."

"Yea, i'll go." He shrugged "Okay... I got you this time you don't have to spend your money."

"You sayin' that like i'm a broke ass nigga or some, I gets pape." Dee pulled a wad of money from his bag and spread it in her face. "Okay girl, witcho lil purse." Nina rolled her eyes.

"Boys not supposed to wear purses Uncle Dee." Passion giggled. "Passion this ain't no purse it's a bag, mind yo business big head." He mushed her a little.

"Demir don't put your hands on my baby. Keisi, wake up we're gonna go eat." Nina spoke trying to wake her up.

Nina didn't ask anybody for help when it came to her kids because the person that helped her make them wasn't around.

If anybody did help, most of the time it was her mom or Dee. All of her siblings were supportive and always there for them so she appreciated that.

Over the past few years they rebuilt their bond with each other and their mom. Her family was closer than ever.

Keisi finally sat up then she began rubbing her eyes. She smiled then her eyes lit up once she saw Dee.

She jumped in his arms and hugged him before laying her head on his shoulder.

"Keisi miss you Uncle Dee." Keisi announced "I missed you too baby girl. You gone come stay the night wimme or you still scared?" He asked

"Keisi stay at home with mommy and Passion." She responded while lifting her head up. "Next time?"

"No" She shook her head. "When?" He smacked his lips. "I don't know Uncle Dee." Keisi shrugged

"Ite son ian foolin' witchu nomo." Dee smacked his lips.

After he put her down Nina got herself and the girls dressed so they could leave. Since she was undecided on what to eat she let Dee pick.

He picked a place that had seafood because he knew Nina would like that.

"Dee, when you gone have kids? You and Angel been together long enough." Nina asked "When the time is right for us. Once my stores finished and we take a break from travelin' then we'll do allat. For right now, my nieces and nephews are enough for me."

"Okay, I can understand that. Keisi gone be mad at you if you have a baby. You do know that right?" Nina chuckled a little. "I'm already knowin. She'll get over it though."

"Keisi what you gone do if Uncle Dee has a baby?" Nina asked her. "Keisi get mad!" She made a mad face and raised her voice.

"See, told you."

"You still gone be my best friend Keisi. Uncle Dee want his own kids one day too."

"No!" Keisi shook her head. "Ite fine, I won't have any."

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