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•••Baton Rouge•••

JulyNina Davis, 26

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Nina Davis, 26


A couple of days ago Sincere went back to court and was sentenced to a few months on house arrest and a year of probation.

He would also have to do mental health checks and random drugs tests every month. Everybody knew about him being released because it was all over the news.

Nina grabbed his hand and walked out of the police station with him. The press took pictures of them and asked them questions but neither one of them said a word or even made eye contact with them.

They hopped in the car with their driver then he pulled off immediately. You would think Sincere would be happy to be released but with all the rules they gave him, he still didn't feel like he was free.

Nina tried her best to cheer him up but he was still a little upset with her.

"The girls are gonna be so happy to see you." Nina spoke, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm happy to see them too." He responded

She went in her purse and gave him an iPhone box. Nina made sure he had everything he needed for when he got home.

Since he had been to court a few times this month he had to keep his appearance up. She made sure he had new suits to wear and haircuts so he would look presentable.

Sincere knew for a fact Nina was a good wife. The part he hated about her was the cheating. He felt like they worked so hard to get to a good place then she randomly decided to mess that up.

"I love you, you a real one. Nobody else woulda held me down like you did." He admitted "For three, almost four whole years. I appreciate you a lot Nina. More than I show you." Sincere added

"I love you too. I'm just doing my part as your wife. It's nothing I wouldn't do for you."

"So you better stop cheating on me. We too grown for them typa games. I love you but i'll leave you over my respect so you better get yourself together son."

"Now you see how it feels to be cheated on. You tried to make it seem like I was doing too much. And no I didn't do it for get back before you start that shit." Nina responded

"You said you didn't so I can't do nun but take yo word for it. Let me find out you still fucking off and this shit is done. We put each other through enough stress, sometimes enough is enough Nina."

"I agree" She nodded

When they got home, Sincere showered and put some comfortable clothes on. Hearing people talking downstairs he figured Christina had brought the girls home so he went downstairs to see them.

"Hey ma, how you been?" Sincere asked Christina as he gave her a hug and kiss on the forehead. "I been alright. How have you been?" Christina smiled as she hugged him back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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