Chapter 7: Guts... Huge guts....

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(OOONNNLLLLYYYY VIIIOLEENCEE!!!!! IT'S A KAIJU MASSACRE!!!!!! Human mains gonna have a field trip with this frfr (I can say that cus I am one >:D) Hope you enjoyyy!!!) 

(ALSOOOOOO CRYSTAL CAVERN BIIIGGGGERRR! It would be a little boring, if it were as large as it was in game. Soooo, I made it massive! [JUST A HEADS UP!!!!])


Knee deep in gore, we were left panting heavily, the things never seemed to stop coming... Hell, we though 3 were bad, what about 50?! 

The only things that reached my ears were my heavy breaths and the cacophony of hisses and guttural growls that came from all over. As of now, we were perched atop a mound, swinging at whatever Kaiju managed to climb high enough to reach us, sitting just high enough so we weren't submerged in the haze. 

Due to their weight and size, they had a pretty tough time actually getting up in the first place, but like hell we were letting them touch us anyways! 

Another clambered up, trying to grab a hold of my leg, but within moments, I'd swung the crowbar full force into it's skull. Bone cracked and it's blood exploded from the wound, coating my weapon and my clothes. It fell back into the hordes of Kaiju, crushing a few, with it's skull thoroughly caved in. 

We looked down in the horde, there were some with broken limbs, gushing wounds, bruises, cuts, abrasions, lacerations, yet they didn't stop coming. Even with our masks, it did naught to stop the stench of blood from wafting up into our noses. 

How long had it been...? How many had we killed? I couldn't risk taking my eyes off the ever growing horde, clambering over each other just to kill us... Out the corner of my eyes, I could see many corpses strewn about, trampled and littered with many axe and crowbar wounds.  

I swung again, catching another Kaiju just as it was about to claw at my calf, it lost it's grip on the rock and tumbled down, snapping it's neck on impact... how did it end up like this?


5:52 AM

We trudged onwards down the rocky slope, disappearing into the thin haze. It was silent, yet so loud at the same time. Faint sounds rang out all around us, dull droning hums emanating from the crystals, faint thudding noises, overshadowed by our bootsteps, the tumbling of loose rocks... 

The haze was heavy, but it was filtered out my our masks well enough to not be fatal in the first few minutes. Then, from behind us came the heavy, slow thudding of a mutant's footsteps. Gritting my teeth, I spun around to meet it, it had only just spotted me then. 

The moment we locked eyes, it lumbered towards me, teeth bared, arms outstretched. I stood my ground, letting it approach slowly... it quickly picked up the pace, eventually dashing towards me in a mad sprint. 

Quickly dashing to the side at the very last moment, it flung past me growling. That wasn't the end of it though, swiftly turning, I stuck out my crowbar, catching it in the throat with the claw. It easily dug into it's thin fur, clinging taut into it's windpipe and tearing it's skin asunder. 

I dug my feet into the ground, feeling it's weight tug wildly, having not lost momentum in the slightest. With a grunt, I tugged hard, causing it to trip back, and dislodge the claw. Blood spouted violently from it's wound, coating the ground light blue. 

Jack stepped in to silence it's gargles, raising the axe high overhead and SLAMMING it hard into it's skull. The blade cut through with relative ease, cracking bone and rupturing thin skin, even as he struck it on the toughest part, the forehead, it broke through and plunged straight into it's brain. 

Scoffing in disappointment, we turned and continued on. There was by no means that Dave was fine, in any sense of the term... Where were they keeping him? Had they already killed him? We wouldn't even find a corpse... from what I knew, crocodiles ate everything, bones and all... 

No, don't start thinking that now, you've only been down here a few minutes! Get yourself together! 

"Dave? Where are you!" I called out, looking about. I grimaced, noticing a few glaring lights peer at us from deeper into the haze. 

I glanced up at Jake, he only nodded. I saw heard the squeaking of his gloves, tightening around the handle of his axe, still dripping with fresh blood, grey and blue. I glanced down at my crowbar, putting my trust into the surprisingly well maintained tool, turned murder weapon. 

A guttural hiss sounded out, as multiple looming figures approached swiftly, eyes flaring a bright blue. Their outlines only became more detailed, growing closer by the second. 


5 mutants. 

"... Good luck." I nudged Jack on the shoulder, grimacing at the worrisome sight before us. 

"You too." Jack replied, short, straight to the point. There wasn't time to chat, after all. 

Narrowing my eyes, I lowered my stance, quickly swinging the crowbar, bashing the closest across the jaw. It spun, staggering forward in a daze... Jack was quick to slam the axe into it's neck, digging deep, then, I followed with a powerful spartan kick, dislodging the blade and making it collapse to the ground. It sputtered, clawing at the rocky ground and clutching it's neck, choking on it's own blood.

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