Chapter 8: Hidden Talent

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(Hallo, is me, the writer. Looks like Tane made a big dumb goof and nearly died for someone who was just hanging around in a cuddle puddle with big floofy gootraxians :P)

[PUBBY?!?! SLIMEPUBBY?!?! NO... SHAMROCK! Get ready for more floof cunts.]

5:55 AM

"Are you willing to get off me now?" I said, thoroughly crushed by the weight of the three great fluffy logs. 

"No." "No!" They stated in unison. 

In the meantime, Weed had already joined in on the cuddle puddle, sitting atop Wolf a potted plant in their lap. Were... they brushing it? I've seen enough to last a lifetime in this very room... 

"Look... I get you uh... 'enjoy'" I glared at Wolf, who only sent me a smug smirk, rolling over onto his back, causing my ribs to ache 

"URK- E-enjoy using me as a pillow, but there's something I really have to go back! My friends could be worried sick!" I tried wriggling out, but Fox responded by staring into my soul with beckoning, glistening eyes, whining softly.

As much as it pained me to do this, I managed to squirm out from under the dogpile, feeling the pressure drop and my bones creak back into place. Fox looked up at me with those pure white, sad puppy dog- err... puppy fox eyes, whining like I'd just kicked her. 

Wolf looked down at her, then sneered at me, narrowing his eyes. 

"T-This is really important guys... L-Look, if Tane or Jack found me in a room, dogpiled by you three, they'd be sure to kill-... err, chase you all away! And we wouldn't be able to talk..." 

Fox tilted her head up at me, pushing herself into a seated position, somehow hovering a foot off the ground. "Friends not like? Why!" 

Wolf patted her on the shoulder, grimacing "Dave friends probably bad."

"No! They're not bad... they're just afraid! We've been stranded down here and... well, so far there's been gootraxians like you running around, trying to kill us." I said with a sigh, propping myself up against the bar counter. 

Wolf sent me a knowing glance, then sighed, lowering his head. "Those wild ones. In old prison, they treated bad, made stupid." He tapped the side of his head. "We fought back!" 

I stared dumbly at Wolf, cocking my head to the side. "Prison?" I thought for a moment, pressing my hand to my chin... was there a section of the lab we hadn't seen yet? Were... they keeping these guys hidden? Well, looks like it wasn't the smartest to not keep the guards around there, huh? 

"Prison. Hue-Man stare. Make us hurt hue-man, hurt... 'gootraxian'?" He shrugged, standing up and making his way over to the nearest wall to lean on "That behind now. No sad needed."

Fox fidgeted, glancing about worriedly as she quivered. Wolf was quick to comfort her, but I was faster! I leaned over, pulling her into a tight hug. She eeped, freezing... but she was quick to return it. 

"I... never knew you lived like that. I'm sorry..." I spoke, lightly petting her as we hugged. 

She whined in anxiety, squeezing me tight... it slowly loosened over time, and she let out a wispy sigh. "It... ok... bad? Not good...No sorry... you no cause." She murmured, pressing her snout into my shoulder. 

"If you'd like... I could try introducing you? At a later time... it'd take a lot of explaining, but I'm sure we could manage! Wouldn't it be nice to have more company? I'm sure you'd like Tane, Wolf! He's a bit like you... in a sort." 

Wolf cocked a brow, pushing down his shades, then he clicked his tongue, looking away. "Like me? More me good. I no hate... think plan." He pushed his shades back up, growling in a bit of jealousy. 

He chuckled under my breath, slowly breaking away from our hug, pulling her to her feet. "You oughta give some attention to your brother, he's getting jealous~" 

Her jaw dropped and she turned to face Wolf, immediately tackling him to the ground, embracing him tight. Wolf was stunned, but melted into her hug soon enough. Weed... you know what they're doing. 

"If you need me, I'll probably be near the uh... the room past the water room. I hope you visit sometime!" I smiled under the mask, brushing myself off, noticing a few strange goopy grey and blue stains all over my clothes... It didn't matter though, I turned to leave the library, getting my things together. 


I turned around, looking back, that wasn't Wolf... no, the voice was too mellow. Weed was looking back to me with a gentle smile, cocking her head to the side. 

"I noticed your ability with blades." 

I was... a little shocked. They spoke so well! Their voice was very feminine, another woman? Hmm. I couldn't quite tell from before, since she only ever spoke a single word... but it was glaringly obvious now. 

"Why do you look so shocked?" She stared calmly at me, unblinking as those dull, glowing eyes bore into mine. 

"Oh it's uh... it's nothing... so, what did you want to... to tell me?" I stammered, fiddling with the loose strands of fabric on my vest. 

Her smile fell a bit, turning into a solemn stare. "You were swift, if my sister hadn't interfered, my brother would've been gutted."

I looked back at Wolf worriedly. "A-Aren't you worried that they'll overhear us? Wolf would kill me if he found out!"

"Calm your nerves, young man. My brother is much too obsessed with our sister, to bother listening to our squabbles." She shuffled in her seat, setting the pot onto the counter. "Firstly, I would like it if you came unarmed next you meet my sister. And secondly... I would like you to... 'pet' me."   

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