Chapter 9: Unintended Company

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(Weed here :D)

(WEEEEEEWOOOOO, BIG GIANT FUCK OFF SPOILER FOR LATER IN THE CHAPTER, DON'T READ IF YOU WANT TO FIND OUT YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We'll get to know a tad bit more about the mysterious plant lady, and a good heaping of lore about Shamrock and his siblings! So, sit back, kick your feet up and enjoy the floofy drama, dear reader!)

2:38 PM 

Why now? 

"O-Oh uh, be there in a moment! You two, stay right where you are! She'll be uh, super upset if you come out!" I sputtered 

I hurried over, scooping Shamrock up in my arms and speed walking out the room, a trickle of nervous sweat running down the back of my neck. He glanced up at me curiously, then smiled, getting nice and snug in my arms. 

Making my way around the corner, I stood face to face with Weed. She was just... stood there, a gentle, innocent smile plastered all over her face. 

"What are you doing here!" I muttered, leaning in close to her face, trying to keep a hushed voice. 

"You said that your home was here and that you needed help identifying a new person. That is the purpose for my visit. Oh? Is that them?" She crouched down a little, looking Shamrock in the eyes.

"... I know this one. Clover!"
She reached out, scritching him behind the ears, he elicited an excited warbling bleat, squirming in my grasp. 

I grunted, passing Shamrock to Weed, she gladly took him in her arms, inspecting the sheep all over, mumbling to herself. 

"Wait... you know him? Is he like... you're adopted son? Or like, super secret love child?" I asked, keeping my voice hushed. "Also, stop talking so loud!" 

"I'll take that into thought." She whispered, squinting her eyes at the floofy lamb.

I doubt Jack or Tane would get up to take a peek, even if they didn't believe me about the 'Gardener' stuff, they were like... completely exhausted. 

"Yes... Clover is my adopted child. My blood does not run through him though, we are not related."
She said, while flipping Shamrock about in her grasp. As of now, she was holding him high above her head, inspecting every tiny detail. Shamrock was bleating like crazy, squirming uncomfortably.

"Oh... did you uh, grow him or something? He looks like a plant... is he a plant? Oh! Is he like a secret lab experiment gone wrong?" I asked giddily, almost entirely forgetting my previous frustration, overshadowed by excitement.

She simply ignored my questions, staring towards Shamrock. "Back in the prison, he and his sibling were kept in the cell opposite to mine. There was a invisible wall which kept us separated though" She said proudly. She had set Shamrock atop her head with a big dumb smile, Shamrock seemed unbothered, in fact, he seemed quite fine with his predicament. 

"He has siblings? What about his like... actually parents? I wouldn't want a big angry momma storming around our base... nor would I like it if you just got attacked!" What would Shamrock's parents even look like, giant? Perhaps small? Bipedal, or perhaps... quadrupedal. 

"That I do not know. I am sorry. He was kept with only his siblings, I never saw their parents. I'm sure a few had imprinted on me instinctively... so, I guess their parents would look like me!" She said, nodding firmly. Shamrock bleated, using his tail to bite gently into her shoulder scruff to stay on. He responded in turn, by nibbling angrily at her thick fur, brow furrowed, fuming.

"If it eases you, his siblings stay in the Garden Caves with me. The Figs are friendly towards them and I. You however? You are new, they may become agitated with your extended presence." She said, frowning a tad. She gently picked Shamrock off her head, and promptly placed him atop my slippery helmet. I was quick to catch him as he slid off. 

"Can you uh... tell them I'm friendly?" I asked, cradling the sweet little sheep softly in my arms. Unaware of the thorns digging into my sleeves. 

"I am afraid that isn't possible. The Figs aren't like me and my family. Most people down here don't remember who they were, and some were born the way they were. In so, they are animals. The Figs especially, they work off of a hivemind. Only the Queen is truly sentient. Also, they speak through wing buzzing, and as you can see, I lack those."
She chuckled nervously, scratching the back of her neck nervously.

I grimaced a little, holding the floofy sheep out, before looking into his little eyes, just barely catching a glint of light under those bangs of his... "So... do you think he'll... like staying with his siblings, more than us?" 

"Oh, no. Not at all. That one was a real problem child, the rudest of the bunch. He tended to headbutt his siblings, and he didn't like their company one bit. I am not sure why, but he seems to adore you. This is the first time I have been near to him, without him trying to bite me... out of spite." 

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I stared dumbfounded at the sweet little lamb in my grasp, he stared back with that innocent little smile of his, tilting his head. "Shamrock? You... You've got to be pulling my leg, Weed! There's no way in hell that this-" I flipped him around, showing him off to the tall plant goot "Sweet baby boy, would be so bad!" 

"I do not know what to tell you, Dave. He just seems to like you, does he perhaps, despise your kin?" She tilted her head, hands clasped infront of her. 

"What? No! He loves em' just as much as he loves me, so there's no way that he hates his brothers and sisters too! He took to Jack and Tane so quickly!" I said, flipping Shamrock around again, to look him in the eyes "Is it true, Shamrock? Were you really so bad?" 

He bleated, raising a hoof before plopping it on my filter. 

"See? Unshakable, undeniable proof that he has always been pure." I huffed, hugging him nice and close to my chest, no one would slander my boy like that! 

"... I see why you would think that. But, there is no use in arguing over it. I do hope prolonged exposure with you and your family will make him more welcoming to my children." She nodded slightly. 

I was about to speak, but quickly held it back. I turned to her, a little confused. "Your... Hold on, I thought they just imprinted on you? Why're you calling them your kids?" I tucked Shamrock under my arm, a bit like a gym bag. 

"Yes, they did, but that did not mean I took them in after we broke out. There was a stampede of many, a terrifying ordeal of giant, terrifying monsters, in the eyes of the little ones. I was there for them, after the smoke had cleared, I led them on and guided them. After all, I was their parent, in their eyes."
Weed spoke, looking up, reminiscing back to the good ol' days... or, that's what I thought. Granted, they were probably, in fact, horribly shitty.

"Oh... well, it's nice to know Shamrock here wasn't too affected by it..." I smiled under my mask, gently petting his head. He elicited soft baas and bleats.  

"No, in fact he was the most scared. He almost got gutted by a Witchbrew. That's why I made sure to keep him nice and close! Though, he didn't take too kindly to my coddling." 

"Witchbrew... like, the drink? Did a vending machine fall on him?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion, Shamrock froze up upon hearing that phrase... I was getting a tad worried. 

"A Witchbrew is a type of... Gootraxian? Yes, Gootraxian. A small, flying brown bat like creature, most are harmless and playful, though that doesn't mean they don't need to eat. They go for the smaller, frailer creatures. Such as 'Shamrock' and his siblings."


"I'll make sure to kill any I see. I swear on it!" I stated proudly, holding a fist to my chest "Cross my heart and hope to die!" Though I put on this playful exterior, inside, I was seething.

"Well, I wouldn't protest against the idea... Though I would love to stay and chat with you and your kin, I must depart quickly, I am sure my children would get anxious with my absence." 

And so, she hurried off, turning the corner and disappearing down the hall. I let out a breath, clasping the side of my helm in exasperation. I looked down to Shamrock, pursing my lips, how could you be so happy all the time?... Children really were a mystery.

Also... did Shamrock used to be a human? That uh... never really crossed my mind... Weed said that some were born this way, buuut... it'd be kinda weird if this was a turned human kid. 

I turned slowly, making my way back into the newly dubbed 'Rest Room'... Don't ask me when, I just said, newly... as in like, right now. 

Jack looked up at me, his face all droopy and tired. "What're the results doc?" He muttered, pushing himself up a tad. 

"Well... Shamrock doesn't technically have parents. Though he does have plenty of siblings." I said, setting Shamrock gently back down on Tane's chest. He let out a tired groan, swatting weakly at the sheep. 

"Aww... does that mean we have to like, put him back in his natural habitat or somethin? I was really starting to like the little guy..." Jack slumped back, hanging his head in sadness. 

"What? No, in fact... I'm pretty sure Shamrock only likes us. Like, only us. Sooooo... we're keeping him!" I smiled inwardly as Jack brightened up significantly, Tane stayed was still as exhausted as ever... And I'd just noticed that he'd spilt Bloxy Cola all over his vest... 

"Huh, the first bit of good news we've had ever since we got stuck down here!" He relaxed a tad, sighing a breath of relief. 

"What're you two... screaming about?" Tane slowly mumbled, rolling his head over to look to us. 

I walked in a little closer, picking up Shamrock and shoving him in Tane's face. "WE. ARE. KEEPING. SHAMROCK!" 

"God! Don't scream in my face!... I can still hear, I'm not deaf!" Tane rolled over, covering his ears in pain. 

"Oh... sorry..." I said, plopping Shamrock back on Tane's chest. Within a single moment, he went over and began licking up the Bloxy Cola... yeah, there's no way this could go wrong.


It went wrong, it went very wrong!... Well, depending on how you look at it, it could be a good thing? But as of now, I was holding back a crazy lamb that was going on a sugar rush. 

In the beginning, it was manageable, he was just getting a little playful, wanted a few pets, then it escalated to him trying to climb my leg, then he just started sprinting about the room, and right now, he was trying to book it out the Supply Room. 

I'd managed to get a good hold on Shamrock and was hugging him tight, as he squirmed and thrashed about. It wasn't upset thrashing though, more like a... 'Where can I go? What can I do?! I wanna eat that! Oh what's this?' Kind of thrashing. 

"Calm down Shamrock! Geez! You might get hurt out there!" I struggled to walk back, as he get jostling and tugging, but I managed to bring him back in before he threw himself into the flooded room. 

"Sit down! Ugh!- Stop squirming you little devil!" I tried to set him back down on the couch... but as my exclaims suggest, it wasn't easy. 

The moment I finally got him to sit still, he was still glancing about wildly, shaking like a man high on crack. Okay... lesson learned, never give Shamrock Bloxy Colas... Before he could leap away again, Jack managed to hold him down, picking him up and plopping him on his lap, subduing the raging beasts with the masterful technique of non-stop petting! 

"Daww, who's a good boy? You're a good boy! Now, don't go running away from Big Papa Jack and his friends, okay? You've got us all worried!" Jack said in a high pitched baby voice, vigorously petting the sheep. Shamrock loved it, and he just sat there soaking up all the glory!

"I'll go get something to distract him. Keep up the good work Jack! Don't slow down for a single moment, okay?" I said, backpedaling out the room, staring down Jack. He didn't notice, since... well, his hands were a little full. 

"Yeah, yeah, got it! Now, who's a good boy? You are! That's who!" Jack replied, cooing at the floofy lamb. 

As I left, I could only hear Tane's grumpy mumbles. He was probably tryna get some shuteye... I couldn't blame him, if like, all my bones felt like they were broken, and I was running off mere crumbs of energy, I'd be pretty pissed too. 

On the opposite end of the entrance to the Rest Room, there was the Secondary Storage Room. Locked away behind a roll down gate, which looked pretty banged up. Wouldn't be too much of an issue, right? 

I hurried on back, scooping up Tane's crowbar, much to his annoyance, before rushing over to the gate. I stuck the second claw in the tiny gap between the counter and the gate, and then I put all my weight into it. It wasn't stationary for long, the lock snapping, before it creaked open. 

I sighed, pulling up the rest of the gate, and climbing over the counter. The room was pretty crowded, a rusty old air conditioner was on the wall... which was still running, by some miracle. Along the walls were neatly arranged shelves, topped up with crates aplenty! I was quick to snatch the, down, and pry them open.

In one, filled to the brim with baseball bats, the next? Stacked chalk full of bricks (why?). The third was topped up with... machete's... I was uh... probably gonna keep these to myself. I reached in, fishing up another machete and clipping it to my belt, snug next to the other.

One was filled with crowbars, one was filled with medkits... which would be incredibly useful in the future. One was filled with... bananas? Somehow, they weren't rotten. I made sure to snag one for Shamrock, tucking it away in my utility belt, he hadn't had anything to eat yet, anyways. 

There was one that had crystals sprouting from it, and inside was a mix of weird, morphed baseball bats, red crystals on one half, blue crystals on the other half... I made sure to nail that one back up. And the last was filled with... Plushies. >:)

I tugged the crowbar into the back of my vest, then bent down to lift the hefty crate. Sliding it over the counter, then climbing over myself, I lugged the crate back into the Rest Room. Jack hadn't tired, despite his state. He cast me a glance as I entered, tilting his head a little at the crate I was lugging about. 

I dropped it to the floor, and tipped it over, sprawling plushies all over the floor. Shamrock perked up at the squeaking sounds that followed, and within seconds, he'd leapt out of Jack's arms and buried himself in the sizeable pile of squeaky toys, rolling around as happy as could be! I let out a breath of relief and unholstered the banana (Never thought I'd write that, like... ever ._.) 

Peeling the fruit, I held it out to Shamrock, he took a glance up at it, and took a bite out of it. It was only 20 seconds, and he'd already eaten the entire thing. He tired eating the peel next... but I kept it out of his reach. 

"What am I gonna do with you..." I sighed, closing my eyes for a split second... then, I felt a tugging feeling on my hand. Turns out, Shamrock had leapt up, and was eating the peel. 

"You!- Ah whatever." I pinched the bridge of my mask, as Shamrock nibbled on the peel, unbothered by the fibrous, starchy texture. "I swear, you can get away with so much..." I grumbled, crouching down to pet him on the head. The peel was safe, I'm pretty sure sheep and goats eat a whole lotta weird things, banana peels wouldn't make a difference. 

Jack managed to pull himself off the couch and promptly plopped down in the pile, petting Shamrock happily. Well, what was there to expect?... Without a second thought, I joined in... sorry! I just couldn't resist the floof!


I wandered idly through the garden, my soft footsteps rustling through the grass, echoing into the vast expanses of the cavern. I whistled sharply, ignoring the clicking and buzzing that sounded out around me. 

It was peaceful, and I just felt... at home here. Ever since I'd been locked up there, I'd felt lost, nothing but my foggy memories guiding me. The worst part was, the people I remembered fondly in my mind, were torturing me.

I grimaced at the thought... There was a dark skinned one, I couldn't quite remember his name... I did remember him well though, friends for a long while, ever since the earliest scraps of hazy memories, he was there... 

At first, when I saw him, I smiled! Happy to see his face once more... He stared down at me from behind an invisible barrier with nothing but contempt, a sneer, wrinkled nose, teeth bared. Why did he hate me so?

Then... came the 'tests' as he and all my other former coworkers aptly dubbed them... I try not to think about those... 

I was suddenly snapped out of my gloomy thoughts as a small figure tackled my leg, bleating happily... I smiled softly, crouching down to pick up my daughter. Though they all looked alike, they all had their traits. 

From out behind the bushes, a plethora of small sheep rushed out, crowding around my legs with nothing but joy in their innocent, pure eyes. Though I couldn't quite see them, I felt it, it was a mother's intuition! 

The one I held in my arms, that was Amaryllis, she was the smallest of the bunch, but was the most brave! Even the biggest of the boys were a little nervous facing new, scary faces, so she was always the first to rush to protect the others! In her own, adorable way. 

Her fur was a slight darker shade than the others, more of a lime than a green, and her wool was a tad less thick. 

There was another who was propped up against my legs, staring up into my eyes happily. He was the biggest, a big, stoic... crybaby, my sweet baby boy, Basil! He always wore a giant, giddy smile... unless there was something that spooked him... which was almost everything. He was normally the first to greet me, but it's not like I could blame him. I really do coddle him too much... but, can you blame me? 

His wool was thick and fluffy, coloured a dark green, a bit like that of a food I used to eat... 'broccoli', I think it was called? His thorns hadn't come out just yet, except the two on his little head, still, they were short and dull. 

The next of my kids was relatively big, though not the biggest, a good amount of fluff, a decent amount of meat on his bones, and a good bit of muscle. My adorable little angel, Elm! He was the prickliest... well, second prickliest. He didn't quite like his personal space being invaded by his siblings, and he was the least playful. Corresponding to his personality, his wool was riddled with sharp, barbed thorns. His tail also had a nasty habit at growling and snapping at his siblings. 

... Despite all the prickliness to his brothers and sisters, he just adored me! Almost as much as Basil, it's almost like they had a sort of... sibling rivalry. Though, the 'rivalry' in question was... particularly one-sided. As of now, he was sat at my paws, gazing up at me, his tail idly swaying. 

The last of my kin, was a soft angel of a child! She was almost as big as Amaryllis, just a little bigger. My delightful little cuddlebug, Marigold! She was very, very playful, but she also picked favourites... sadly, one of those wasn't me... Either way, she still loved me! That, I was sure of. Her wool was similar to Clover-... ah, 'Shamrock's'. A light greenish, like the grass of the garden. 

Now, although Elm valued his personal space, I'm sure she valued it tenfold. That was... an issue, in one way or another... She always loved sticking by his side, but he didn't. Though however many times she got snapped at, she always came back for more. Her wool was thick enough that the spikes never reached her, so in turn, she always loved to dogpile him! In fact, she was juuust about to do-... yep, there she goes. 

Elm began snapping at her, bleating in pure, unbridled fury, as his tail drooled, gnawing on her thick wool. I eeped in surprise, quickly kneeling down to pull them apart... though, just as I got down... I was immediately dogpiled by my children.

"Children, I understand that you appreciate your mother's arrival, but this is too much!" I exclaimed, reaching out from under the pile of floof to try and gain purchase, though never grabbing a hold of anything, that wasn't the wool of my kin.

The Figs watched on, intrigued, though this happened on the daily, they never seemed to tire of watching my struggles. 

"Gah! Marigold, please assist your mother! Goodness, Basil, stop rolling about, you're going to crush me! Amaryllis! Don't gnaw on my fluff! Elm, do NOT snap at your siblings!" I chided, as my children did as they pleased. 

"Okay! If you do not sit and behave yourselves, you're going to spend the day with Grandpa Hebi!" I shouted, and within moments, my children scurried off me. I smiled a little, pushing myself up into a seated position, crossing my legs with a smug grin. Though, my grin soon fell as I looked to their scared expressions, many were shivering and cowering, Basil especially. 

"I apologize for raising my voice, kids, but you have to learn to respect my space!" I sighed, massaging the bridge of my snout. "It is okay, I am not angry with you, my sweet children..." I smiled softly, gently 'petting' the heads of each and every one of them. They took to it quickly! 

Though, I felt something was plaguing their minds... of course! It was obvious, was it not? They were worried about Clover... Or, 'Shamrock' as Dave calls him. They were still, nonetheless, happy, I could see the snippets of worry creeping into their expressions.

"I am certain many of you are worried about Clover... but do not fret, he is safe with a friend of mine. If you wish to visit him... I could arrange a playdate! If Dave's kin feel it safe... Though I have uhm... not properly met with them, nor have I actually seen them, but I am sure they will be accepting of you!" 

Their expressions all lit up, faint smiles growing broad and excited. Not so much about the fact that their brother was safe... more like, they were excited at the chance to make new friends! Still, it was mostly the worry... 

I was slowly approached by my children, taking a few cautious steps towards me, looking up into my eyes while softly bleating... did they wish to embrace? I would not mind... 

"You lot sure are adorable... Very well! I cannot deny you your birthright, come to Mother!" 

Then, in the following 2 seconds, the only thing I could see was wool.


I leaned up against the wall, ears twitching. I am not too certain why my sister was so fond of that 'Dave' person... And to think she'd even ignore me in favor of him! Did I do something wrong? Maybe she was upset at me and this was the way she was getting back at me... 

As of now, she was laying back on one of the couches, peacefully snoozing away... It brought a smile to my face, really, the only thing I wanted was her to be happy... Though something just irked me about the hue-man... 

Was it jealousy? Maybe... but just... that face of his. His eyes always bore forwards, unblinking, his mouth always open, it never distorted, never shifted. No smiles, frowns, nothing. The only way that... Thing, conveyed emotions was through the use of body language and the tone of his voice. 

And all of that could easily be faked! 

Not to mention, I could always tell the intention of anyone I came across, all thanks to my nose. For example my sister-... 'Fox' normally carries around the scent of excitement and happiness, mixed with a twinge of fear... well, so long as I was around, at least. Hebi normally kept an aura of calm, with a sprinkle of wanting. Azarue never strayed far from pure and utter calm... though 'Dave' 


I could never smell anything... in terms of mood, that is. His scent was always masked and it wasn't the fact that he had no scent, it's the fact that his scent was dwarfed by the overwhelming smell of blood. Fresh blood from the Kaiju. The man WANTED me to know that he was dangerous, and a killer. Why else wouldn't he wash? 

Unknown to me, my face had already morphed into a snarl, low growls rumbling from throat. Fox quickly picked up on it, perking up and getting into a seated position on the couch.

"Why Wolf mad?" She tilted her head, gazing up at me with those pure, innocent, naive eyes of hers... 

I sighed, putting on a cheerful smile for her, I made my way over, plopping my weight on the couch, the cushions sinking with my weight. 

"... Dave. I do not trust. You smell scent too... right? Killer! I would have killed..." I grumbled, leaning back, pushing my shades up my snout. 

"Dave no kill... he good! Very kind... very welcome! Do not hate! Scent from Kaiju!... Bad people hurt me! He hurt back!" She smiled toothily, her tails idly swaying behind her, despite being smooshed up against the couch. 

"But... Why kill Kaiju, and not wash? Blood bad! He try send us message! 'DANGER: ME KILL YOU!' That is what I think." I huffed, pointing my snout up, crossing my arms. 

Fox giggled, holding back her snickering by covering her snout with a fluffy paw. "Dave no bad... if Dave want kill me... he would do when with kin! I was at Dave's den, no hurt!" Her face fell, eyes narrowing. "I... think?" 

I perked up, brow furrowing slowly. I think? That means... there was no other way to interpret that... I cocked my head to the side, pulling off my shades and looking her directly in the eyes.

"You think? What mean you think? Were you hurt? Did... 'Dave' hurt you?! His kin?!" I said, pulling her in close by the shoulders, she shrunk away at that, eyes wide. I'd just noticed I was growling... I quickly pulled away, clearing my throat. 

"Sorry... I am... I am worried. Still, you get hurt?" I lowered my voice, sliding my shades back on and averting my gaze, ears drooping. 

Fox fell silent for a few moments, sidling closer to me. Her tails went still, drooping a tad as she stared forward in thought. "I... Dave hid me in tall box, it... hurt. But good meaning! I think...? Kin called... 'Taaah neyyy' was there... maybe... Dave think I would scare?" 

"I... think other way." I said, placing my paw on her head, idly scratching much like the hue-man... GAH! His habits are growing on me! I wanted to pull away... but Fox was enjoying it quite a bit, I just couldn't say no to that happy face...

"You really think... you scare him? He kill Kaiju! Fearless, dauntless, powerful!"

And heartless. That much I've learned from his kind.

 I looked to her, wincing "Not possible you scare Kaiju hunter." 

"Really?" She looked... smug? Why... when did she learn to pull that face? "Because when first meet, Dave look scare ask if I try to kill! His scent was blood... but not Kaiju, his own!" 

My eyes widened, she was bluffing, right? That... that couldn't be true... no wait, it must've been scared because it was injured! That much is true! Wouldn't it have called it's kin though? Perhaps they were injured also! They were just waiting for the right moment to kill her... 

Maybe I was... seeing this the wrong way? No... I was certain of it! 

"... I don't want you meet Dave anymore." I stated, staring right into her eyes, completely serious. 

"W-What?" My sister shrank away, ears pressing against the sides of her head, tears building in the corners of her eyes... "P-Please brother! D-Dave friend! He safe! I can go no hurt!" 

She sidled over, clasping my chest fluff, giving me those wide, puppy dog eyes, staring right into my soul... No, NO! Resist the temptation! This is for her own good! 

"... Ffffine. Only if I go also. Ok?" I grumbled, slightly baring my teeth. She lightened up immediately, wiping away her tears and hugging me tight. 

"Thank you!" 

... It was true, I was jealous. EVEN SO! I remembered very vividly the things his kind did to me... what they did to her... to Hebi, to Azarue... I could still feel the searing hot pain from that day... metal sticks stabbed into my veins, then... 


What's worse, is they didn't stop with me... they threw me into my sister's prison when I tore it asunder... they expected me to kill her. They thought she was useless. Only after many minutes of torturous battle, were they swayed away from executing her... assuming it too dangerous to go in and do it themselves. 

Hate. I hated him also, it wasn't enough that I tore apart Dave's kind with my bare paws in the prison break, that never ending boiling, furious vat was still brimming with HATE. 

I remembered it like it was yesterday, a furious scramble for escape, tearing apart our torturers with reckless abandon. Turning the kind and good into our own, ridding them the burden of carrying such sins on their backs, to turn them anew. To slaughter the spiteful, the evil and to feast on their corpses and bathe in their blood. 

What made 'Dave' any different from them? 

Why is it my sister's never wanted them turned into one of us? Why is it they didn't want him DEAD?! It was better either way, he was one of THEM! Could the sins of his kind be so easily forgiven? NO! He was lucky to leave the way he came in... if it weren't for my sister, he would be gutted and thrown to the Figs. 

Why was it I was the only one here with a brain? The only one that remembered what THEY did to us? THAT IS WAS THE ONLY ONE, THAT STILL NEEDED VENGEANCE?! How come they all just... moved on? 


("What do you think of humans?")

(Fox: "I... Mixed feelings... Dave good! Dave great! Old humans... memory foggy, think not good...") 
(Weed: "Humans?... Why should I bother thinking back to my past? I need to feed my children!")

(Hope you like the chapter, but like, could I get an answer? I'm teetering on the edge of cute and crazy with this man/woman/idfk. Still a whole lotta possibilities for the dude! Soooooo... yeah, just leave your thoughts down there pls) 

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