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Mike's POV:

It's been some days ever since we escaped from that haunted place. But it's all good now.

Abby is back to normal in a flash. I'm proud. My little girl was playing with toys. But not by herself. Some of her classmates are playing too!

Max got her hand fixed. She's better now, but things are kinda hard for her now that that maniac sliced her hand off. She once tried to stick the middle finger, only to show her bandage. She's still upset over Jeff's death, but she moved on. Today, she's visiting his grave. She also decided to stay away from her notebook for a while.

As for me, I've been doing great. My mental health is more better. I've let go of the past and went to the present. As for Jane, we just hid her body. Max begged not to tell. The government forgot she even existed, so that's good.

I was in her class now. The teacher and I watch as Abby plays with the students.

Mrs. Lilian: It's really extraordinary. The turn she's taken these past few weeks. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it.

The teacher gave me a smile. I smile back.

Mrs. Lilian: By the way, where's the girl?

Me: Oh, Max? She's... busy...

Max's POV:

I look at their graves. A few tears drop from my eyes.

Me: Thanks for everything, guys.

I put a card and a toy he bought for me when I was young.

Me: Happy birthday, Jeff.

I decided to sing a song he would sing to me.

"When the night falls,
and it becomes dawn,
know that I'll hold you tight forever.

Don't care if I rot,
my job will never be done.
I'll love you forever.

Never leave you,
never forget you,
I ask for you to do the same.

I'll always be here,
dead or alive,
I'll hope you do the same.

When I'm gone,
when it's dark,
know that the light will shine.

We're family and we have each other.
So don't get bothered by the bad,
as the good lasts forever.

I'll be here when no one else is,
so please...

do the same..."

I cry, and then hop into my truck.

Goodbye, you guys. I'll never forget you.

I love you.

Mike's POV:

I'm with Abby now, riding in our car. I smile at Abby. She made new friends. I'm proud.

Me: What do you want for dinner? Pizza or spaghetti?

Abby: Both.

I chuckle.

Me: You got to choose. What is it?

Abby: But I want both! :(

Me: You can't have both.

Abby: *grumpy* Spaghetti with meatballs.

Me: Alright, with meatballs.

We arrive at the hospital.

Me: Alright, we're gonna make a quick stop, okay?

"They Saved Me, Mike..." (FNaF Movie #1 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now