"CHAPTER 3: 'Where Are They...?'"

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Max's POV:

...okay, now it's been 10 minutes. I thought he said it'd only been 5. What's taking them so long?

I'll admit, I did hear Hank scream, but then I heard some muttering, so I assume it was Jeff or Carl telling him to shut up.

I went inside the place myself. Where are they?

Me: Jeff?

No response.

Me: Carl?

No response again.

All I met is straight silence. Did they abandon me? D-did they go to a nearby place? I just hope they didn't let me take the fall.

This is now making me uncomfortable. I enter the place. It looks dirty, and there are so many mechanical parts.

I then hear a door creak. Why? Is someone with me-

What the? Is that a boy?

Me: ...hey?

He giggles before running off.

Gabriel: Follow me!

Me: Hey! Hey, wait!

What is he doing here? Does he know where they are? And why does he... sound familiar?

I couldn't worry about that right now. I follow him.

Gabriel: Come on!

What is he talking about? Where is he going? Why does he want me to follow him?

Me: Hello?

Gabriel: This way!

Is he luring me into something? Wait, who even IS he?! Why am I following him?

I enter the room where he entered. But I don't see him...

...oh fuck, the door closed.

I suddenly hear something.

Gabriel: Warmer.

I then see something. A bear animatronic. Presumably Freddy Fazbear, the mascot of this pizzeria.


...the child's in there. What the fuck?!

Me: How in the heck...?!

I took one step closer.

Gabriel: Warmer.

Better question: Why is this kid playing "Warm or Cold" when he's stuck in there? I have to help him!

I put a chair and climbed on it.

Weird. I don't see the kid. This robot, it just has a bunch of metal parts. And a large jaw. I just kept looking inside it.

Where is he?





I could only let out a small scream as something pulled me away the last second. Their hands were cold, and huge!

I was taken away as soon as that hand came out. But the force was too strong that my phone shot out and that hand grabbed it and pulled it inside.

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