Chapter 35: 22nd

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Sei woke up with a jolt, sweat dripping from his forehead, his eyes darting across the room. He found Jaehyun's bed empty, sighing to himself, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Fucking dreams..." he muttered to himself, shaking his head as he got up. "I forgot that hyung was staying in another place for the show."

Slowly opening the door, he was shocked that the living room was empty. Taking a glance at the clock, it read 7:30 a.m.

"Weird..." he said out loud, scanning the living room. "Wei-hyung should be up by now."

Taking small steps towards Wei and Minho's room, he pushed the door open slowly, finding that Wei's bed was also empty, the sheets neat and the blankets folded.

"Where is he?" he asked only to be met by silence. "Is he filming WorkDol or something?"

Sei scanned the entire dormitory for Wei, hoping to find a note or some sign that he was here. After a whole five minutes of going around, he sat down on the couch, sighing to himself.

"Probably had somewhere to go..." he muttered, wiping his hand across his face. "Hah, I'm bored."

He decided to head back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for himself. As he gathered ingredients from the fridge, he couldn't help but feel a bit lonely. The dorm was usually bustling with activity in the morning, and the silence was unsettling.

Sei decided on a simple breakfast: scrambled eggs, toast, and a side of fruit. As he cracked the eggs into a bowl, he allowed his mind to wander, thinking about the dream that had jolted him awake. It was hazy now, but the sense of unease lingered.

He whisked the eggs with a fork, adding a pinch of salt and pepper before pouring them into a hot pan. The sizzle of the eggs hitting the pan was a comforting sound, grounding him in the moment. He moved methodically, toasting the bread and slicing up a banana and some strawberries.

As he plated his breakfast, he felt a bit more at ease. The familiar routine of cooking calmed his nerves. He sat down at the small kitchen table, the morning light streaming in through the window.

Sei took a bite of his eggs, savoring the simple flavors. His mind drifted to his members. He wondered what Jaehyun, Minho, and Wei were up to. It was unusual for Wei to be out this early without leaving a note or sending a message. He made a mental note to check his phone after breakfast.

As he ate, he took his time, enjoying the rare moment of solitude. Despite the quiet, he found himself appreciating the peacefulness. It was a nice change from the usual chaos, even if it did make him feel a bit lonely.

After finishing his meal, Sei cleaned up the kitchen, washing the dishes and wiping down the counters. He finally checked his phone, but there were no messages or missed calls from any of his members. He sighed, a bit disappointed.

Deciding to make the most of his time alone, Sei grabbed his laptop from his room and settled back down in the living room. He began composing lyrics on a small notepad, letting the words flow from his head as he added more to their comeback song. He already liked the parts that the rest of his members added, so he decided to put in some finishing touches.

As the morning wore on, Sei's thoughts kept drifting back to his bandmates, particularly Wei. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was up, but for now, he decided to focus on his music, hoping that they would return soon and the dorm would be filled with its usual lively energy once more.

As the clock struck 12, Sei finally finished adding some touches to the song. Closing his laptop, he stood up and headed back to his room, bringing it with him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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