Special Chapter: Eunchae Star Diary

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Sana-sunbaenim's Little Brother?! | Eunchae Star Diary EP 13 | DIVINITY


"Eunchae's 13th Diary! Friday, June 23rd, 2023," the episode starts with Eunchae's cheerful voiceover as the camera focuses on her writing in her diary. "Today on Eunchae's Star Diary, I have a guest related to one of the most famous idols right now, Sana-sunbaenim!"

"And since they debuted later than I did," the camera pans to Eunchae with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "As a more experienced idol and the bank manager of Music Bank, I have a chance... to show my dignity!"


"Ta-da!" Eunchae greets the camera with a bright smile, clapping excitedly. "It's been a while, everyone! Right?"

She then showcases her outfit of the day. "I'm wearing yellow today, which happens to be my favorite color. My phone case matches too!"

She holds up her phone case and displays her yellow-painted nails to the camera.


Cut to Eunchae making her way to Divinity's waiting room to fetch Sei for the interview.

"Ah, where is it?" She asks the camerman following her as she had gotten lost "Here?"

The cameraman nods as she points toward right direction. Eunchae finally makes her way to the right room, the plaque next to it read, Divinity

"Whew, we're finally here, everyone!" She exhaled comically.

The conversation and celebrations inside the room could be heard even outside, only a little bit muffled, overwhelming Eunchae. "Waah, how should I introduce myself?"

Gathering up her courage, she gave a soft snock on the door, calling out "Annyeonghaseyo, can I come in?"

A mischievous voice on the door replied with a laugh "Aniii... you need to say the password."

Eunchae pouted cutely, as she pondered for a moment "Is i-"

Before she could answer, the door opened up, revealing the person behind to be, Minho, who eore a mischievous grin on his face "Just kidding, sunbae, come in, hehehe."

Eunchae pouted once more, as she went in the room, shocked by the amount of staff still inside "Waah, your waiting room is really nice, congratulations on your, Divinity!"

"Kahmsamnida, sunbaenim." Jaehyun replied to her with a warm smile "Everyone, let's greet."

The four members gathered together and bowed towards her "Annyeonghaseyo, bringing you divine melodies from the heavens, Divinity-imnida!"

Eunchae smiled warmly at them and bowed herself "Annyeonghaseyo, Le-Sserafim and bank manager of Music Bank, Eunchae-imnida."

"I'll be borrowing, Sei-ssi, for today." she continued "Is that okay?"

Minho and Jaehyun gathered around Sei as if to protect "Anii, don't take him away from us"

Wei could only chucke as he stood at the side, watching their shenanigans. Eunchae however was laughing uncontrollably at their sillyness.

"Anii, I'll return him after." She replied, tears comimg out of her eyes from laughing too much.

"Araseo, you behave now, maknae." Jaehyun teased playfully "Don't give noona too much trouble."

"Ne, nee...." Sei replied, rolling his eyes.

"Let's go!" Eunchae invited excitedly as she led Sei out of the room.


Walking through the hallways once more, meeting different idols and artists, the two were silent, the camera still recording them.

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