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"Okay team," Stark clapped his hands together. Wanda was flipping through a series of files on the holo-display.

"Would you stop it with the 'team' thing?" Sam groaned, lazily leaning in to the back of his chair.

"Goodness me," Bruce muttered, using his pointer finger to push his glasses further up his nose.

Tony gave himself a chance to glare at Sam before Steve guided him back to the point of the meeting.

"Right, uhm. Just a little guide to staying safe!" Tony skipped through a bunch of the slides on the screen with the projector remote, making Steve let out an annoyed sound in protest.

"Relax, Rogers," Stark rolled his eyes. "You are really an old man."

"Talk about it," Bucky murmured, eyes filled with the slightest of amusement for a second or two. It was the first few words he'd spoken today.

Steve would have glared at Bucky if he were someone else, but he just looked out of the corner of his eyes and shook his head, amused.

As Tony began to go through a few slides he babbled on about, Rhodes stepped into the room. "Sorry to interrupt, but I've got something to show you." he stepped forward.

"Rhodes, good to see you-" Tony grinned.

Rhodes glared, "Tony."

The warning in his voice made Tony look his way - he sighed, "What is it, what's wrong?"

Rhodes grabbed the remote from him as he connected his STARK tablet to the main display and everyone watched as he eventually brought up static and garbled radio signals on the large screen. "We intercepted this signal a few minutes ago. It's coming from an old HYDRA facility in Siberia; listen."

Natasha interrupted and commented, "Siberia? Didn't we take that one down about a year ago?"

Rhodes nodded, stepping backwards with his arms folded behind his back. He nodded his head over to the screen, to get to his point. "This is from an encrypted HYDRA channel."

Tony adjusted a few dials, and a distorted voice came through. "...asset...r....project."

Bucky felt his bones tense up in his chair, and he shifted uncomfortably in his chair, quietly clearing his throat, but it was no use.

Rhodes held some kind of device in his hand, one of them furiously typing away to clean the signal.

"This took FRIDAY a while to intercept," Rhodes commented, focused.

The voice in the small clip was heavily modulated. Ir continued, a zapping noise in the background - most likely static, "Proj...V...Zenith.....z-"

It cut out.

"You know," Tony sighed, "HYDRA's been quiet for too long. Makes me wonder what they've been cooking up. And no, I don't mean Stark-grade bacon."

"Huh?" Clint muttered, eyes narrowed in confusion.

Nat exchanged a glance with Steve, both of them eyeing Bucky in worry.

"Alright. We'll need to dig into old databases we've taken from HYDRA warehouses, see if we can pull out any references or connections to, what was it, Zenith, or project V? Friday, start cross referencing those terms with all known operations."

Peter put his hand up, ever so the nervous little kid at the table with all the superheroes, "Uhm, if they're reactivating assets like uh, projects..could it be more Winter Soldiers? Like Mr. Bucky?" he sheepishly said.

crimson, [b.barnes daughter], marvelWhere stories live. Discover now