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The Avengers gathered once more in the dimly lit conference room, the atmosphere heavy with boredom more so than stress. The walls hummed with the soft buzz of technology, and holographic displays flickered to life, casting a blue glow over their faces.

They'd been at it for hours - Wanda had kicked off multiple times and brought back coffee for those who asked. Bucky had taken to falling asleep in his seat once, before Steve flicked him on the shoulder with a warning.

The oval shaped table was littered with ripped open wrappers, empty coffee cups, scattered files they'd at first promised to keep ordered.

Peter, ever so the child, had taken to using his given laptop to play something to do with birds after Tony had given him permission, telling him to be more like a 16-year-old kid.

Clint's legs propped up on the table, crossed as he flicked an arrow back and forth, eyes focused on the screen - mind, not so much.

Tony seemed triumphant as he walked back into the room, tapping a few keys on his tablet, bringing up a detailed dossier on the main screen. "Alright, folks. Meet Dr. Elias Zenith."

A photograph of a man with sharp features and piercing eyes filled the screen. His greyish-black hair was slicked back, and his expression was of cold calculation.

"Dr. Elias Zenith," Tony continued, "has been on SHIELD's radar for a long while now. A brilliant scientist specializing in cryogenics and human enhancement. Worked with HYDRA during the war and disappeared after the fall of SHIELD."

Natasha frowned, studying the photograph. "Why does HYDRA always have to have creepy scientists? What do we know about his recent activities?"

Steve hummed, silently and wordlessly agreeing.

FRIDAY's voice cut in. "Dr. Elias Zenith has been off the grid for years, but recent intel suggests he's resurfaced. Last known location is an abandoned research facility, which fits with the base you just raided - but that was over two years ago."

Steve interrupted, "Uh, not to bring up past problems, but two and a bit years ago. Wasn't that around the time Bucky fled from HYDRA?"

Nat hummed. "Weird."

Bruce leaned forward, scanning the data. "If Zenith is involved, it's likely he's continuing his experiments in secret. The cryogenically frozen boy we found might be one of his subjects."

Natasha took over, flipping through the digital file. "Zenith was one of HYDRA's top researchers. He specialized in brainwashing techniques and enhanced methods. Rumor has it, he was involved in multiple secret projects aimed towards creating the perfect soldier."

Sam leaned back in his chair, "Great. Another HYDRA mad scientist. Just what we needed," He crossed his arms, his brow furrowed. "So, what's the play? We track him down, shut him down, and make sure he doesn't get away again?"

"We need a plan," Steve interjected. "Fury's been made aware of this, so has Ross."

"Ross," Natasha twisted her tongue, "hate that guy."

"With a passion, we know," Steve said when a few around the table groaned.

"Why does Ross have to get involved?" Sam squinted his eyes, confused.

"Zenith is expected to be in confinement within the next few days," the man replied.

"I thought-" Sam raised his voice.

"You thought wrong. Zenith worked with HYDRA, and Ross wants him to be punished," Rogers clicked his tongue, sighing.

Thaddeus Ross was a pain in the ass. More so to Barnes and Rogers when Ross made an attempt to lock Barnes up, declaring him as a threat and a problem to society.

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