Chapter 4Encounter an affair

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Chapter Four: Encounter an affair

Julia has been working in Donghuang for three months.

When the night comes, this bustling city is too divided, the red light shines the heart.

Julia had just cleaned up the vomit of a drunken young lady, and her movements were slow but neat. Lit the incense again and put it in the corner.

The mop sweeps through the separate sanitary compartments until it reaches the last one, where she keeps her cleaning tools and takes a break from her work.

Everything looked orderly and methodical.

The waiter who caught her had already run away and disappeared, Julia also did not care, packed up the mop bucket, she sat in the stall initiated to stay.

Julia, everything is Mr. King's idea.

Julia, you have nothing, proud family gone, beautiful beauty gone, outstanding education gone, you are now just a criminal!

Julia, do what you're told. Don't fight us. Mr. King told us to treat you well.

Julia, what do you need two kidneys for a convict in prison? One that saves lives, just to pay for the deaths of innocent people.

Julia...... Give up, don't struggle...

The sound is like a curse, the faces are twisted and terrible, ugly, let Julia how to drive, is lingering.

"Julia, come out, vip box 606 on the sixth floor." The cubicle door was suddenly opened from the outside, frowning and urging Julia to hurry: "Hurry, dilly-dally, the top female model in the field is not as big as your shelf."

Julia this person is usually silent, let her do what she does, even if deliberately bully her, she never reply does not refute, this is the field all know the open secret, if anyone is in a bad mood, can find Julia "ease" a bad mood.

"The princess in the box is in charge." Julia is just telling the truth, but this in the ears of the waiter, is simply "opposite to the day", immediately cold face, hugging her chest: "The customer vomited, you let Luna sister to do such a disgusting thing?"

Luna can't do disgusting things, but Julia can. The waitress didn't care if it hurt Julia.

Sure enough Julia did not refute, "oh" a sound, dull appearance, let the waiter beside the heart more look down on her.

Julia lowered her eyelids and followed the waiter into the elevator. Suddenly was pushed out of the elevator, Julia did not understand, the attendant was very tired to sweep Julia a glance, "What? You take the safety stairs up, not high, only six floors, just right, "the waiter looked at Julia scornfully:" lose weight."

Julia is not fat, not only not fat, but also ridiculously thin. But she goes to work every day, wrapped in a thick layer of clothes. Makes her look clumsy.

Clearly is deliberately difficult Julia, put on who, have to quarrel, but this person is Julia, the waiter is very sure, this fight, quarrel.

Sure enough, Julia went up the stairs. When the elevator doors closed, the waiter rolled his lips in disdain. It's useless.

Dark stairwell, quiet only Julia's footsteps.

Here is the safe passage, is the escape stairs, generally do not go here, are to take the direct elevator up and down the stairs. The light is dim and ambiguous, and here in addition to escape when necessary, there is another use - cheating.

Julia walked slowly up the stairs step by step. When she reached five and a half floors, she had some difficulty. I stopped on the half-flight of stairs to rest for a moment, and there came a voice near my ear, like a tender breath... Julia heart "click" a moment, looked up, the corner, a man pressed a woman on the stairs to kiss, the action is provocative and ambiguous.

From her point of view, she saw the back of the woman, and the man's half side face.

Secret way a bad luck, really met the affair. Just want to back down, the man closed the eyes suddenly opened, good and evil charm stared at her.

Julia heart like a drum, blinking eyes staring at the man, the man perceived her sight, more bad support unknown woman's back head, action almost ambiguous charming kiss the woman, half of the side of the face black eyes more than the stars shining, is joking to fall on their own.

Julia felt a shudder, dropped her head, raised her feet and turned to go downstairs.

"Stop right there." Julia heard a voice behind her and her scalp went numb... She doesn't want to cause trouble, but what these rich and powerful people will do, she can't say.

After thinking about it, she turned and bowed down respectfully: "Hello, Sir. I'm interrupting your pleasure. I'm so sorry." Julia said, pointing to the security door leading to the sixth floor, "I am the cleaner who was called to Box 606 to clean. It's all a pure coincidence. I beg your pardon for disturbing your gentleman's pleasure."

The man, however, seemed to hear something new and was not startled by her coarse voice: "You are a cleaner?" So young?" A pair of evil eyes, looked up and down Julia: "You want to go to private room 606?" Julia was about to say "yes" when he waved to her, "Come on, I'll take you."

Huh? ... Julia looked at the man inexplicably. Hesitating, he lifted his heels up.

The woman with the man, Julia knows, is a new female model, whose stage name is Contact. Contact saw the man enter the security door, also followed up.

The man suddenly stopped, turned to the contact and said: "I said take her, not you." You don't have to follow."

Contact to the man Jiao: "Xiao Xiao, you don't hurt others at all..." Just then, "Shua" a check appeared in front of her, the man called "Xiao Xiao" smiled and said: "Can you go now?"

Contact eyes a light, even the heavy nasal voice are gone, took the check happy to thank.

Julia see clearly, the Xiao Xiao look is smiling to pass the contact check, the smile in the eyes, is clearly mocking ridicule. It seems to be aware of Julia's sight, Xiao Xiao suddenly raised his eyelids, a pair of eyes very evil charm fell on her: "What?" In love with me?"


Xiao Xiao burst of muscle strength, I do not know when, has approached Julia, Julia itself is not high, Xiao Xiao near her, she lined even shorter.

Xiao Xiao squinted his evil eyes, and saw the black head that only reached his chest, suddenly bowed and pressed against her ear: "Really in love with me?" The man who fell in love with me, or the money?"

Julia only felt a hot breath on her ears, "swish" a moment, the roots of the ears are red! Instinctively, she took a quick step back, forgetting that she had hurt her leg, and stepped back too fast and too fast, with a stumble and unsteady weight at her feet, she was ready for a fall.

A large hand in the waist, suddenly appeared, in time to embrace her.

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