Chapter 7Kiss her

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"Sister Julia, what do you want to do now that you're out of prison? I want to go to Erhai Lake, the beauty of Erhai Lake, clear and clean. The water birds there are lovely, the fish and shrimp in Erhai are delicious, the sky is bluer, the water is clearer, and even the sunshine is warmer than the city.

I'm going to try to make money, make a lot of money, go there, open a little B&B. I don't want to make money, only want to face Erhai every day, ebb and flow. I do not make a lot of money, as long as the day can have enough food and clothing, occasionally watching backpackers come and go, go and come and go.

Sister Julia, I think I'm dying. I haven't had time to see the beauty of Erhai Lake yet."

It was a voice that Julia would never forget in her life. She held the girl and kept her body warm with her own body heat.

Dying, the girl in her arms, with clear eyes and longing, looked at a small piece of sky outside the small iron window of the prison, and she said: "Sister Julia, in fact, I have not been to Erhai." The beauty of those Erhai Lake is what I saw from TV and newspapers and magazines. I know that even if I get out of prison, I can't afford to open a small B&B in Erhai. I just want to dream an impossible dream before I die."

To this day, Julia still remembers the longing eyes of the girl in her arms before she died.

Memories are still so painful, the corner of the eye unconsciously wet a piece. She stretched out her hand and dried it secretly. Crawling on the ground, one hand quietly touched his left back waist, where the head was empty, less than normal one organ.

Because of this, she cannot drink, she must live.

She's in debt and she can't pay it back!

She's guilty and she's not atoned for it!


Can't die yet!

Julia looked up at Sebastian King, shook her head, and said, "Mr. King, anything will do as long as you don't let me drink."

Whatever will do... Did you?

The man's eagle eyes, narrowed, the corners of his mouth slowly turned up, "What will do?" He spoke with a hint of danger.

Julia, the lady of Jane's family, all her self-confidence and pride, have been thrown away?

He wanted to see if the lady Harper he once remembered before him was really a different person.

"As long as you don't drink. Anything will do."

'Good! The man's face on the sofa flashed a sudden cold, and then he snapped his fingers in space. With this sound, a figure slowly emerged from the dark corner: "Sir." The man was dressed in a black suit and his clean-cut cut was bowing his head respectfully at 45 degrees. This guy's supposed to be Sebastian King's bodyguard.

Julia looked puzzled at Sebastian King in the dim light. The man plated with gold on the perfect face, slowly blooming manchu Shahua like smile, Fei thin lips moved: "Kiss him."

Julia followed his long fingers, her eyes fixed on the silent black-suited bodyguard behind him... Suddenly, the eyes opened wide!

"Why? Can't you do it?" In his ear, Sebastian King laughs playfully: "Or drink." Or, start your show right here, right now."

"Clatter!" A basin of ice water poured from the head, Julia's whole body cold without a trace of popularity, ears buzzing, looking up, dull eyes looked at the imperial man on the sofa... What did he say?

A show? Oooooo. Let her act like a lady in the world, in a flirty kiss drama?

She slowly pursed her dry lips. Her first kiss had been so cheap. Even if her feelings for him are only fear and fear, although she has long since cleaned up her feelings for him and buried them in the grave of her heart, she still cannot restrain and gushes out a trace of difficult pain.

She slowly looked at Sebastian King, those eyes, neither cold nor hate nor love, only the rich can not open the despair!

Sebastian King relishes the despair in her eyes. This woman... Wouldn't you say no to his ridiculous request? Any woman would choose drinking alcohol over kissing a strange man in public, wouldn't she?

Plus, she was once the Queen of the Harper family. The proud lady of the Harper family.

"Can I have another one?" After all, it was her first kiss. It can be cheap in his eyes, but important in her own eyes.

She didn't want to lose her first kiss.

She has... nothing left.

The man raised his glass and threw it away: "You are not qualified to bargain with me." The corners of his mouth aroused a happy smile, he would like to see, s city Harper family big miss, in the end can be how humble and despicable!

"Ok, I see." Julia stood up, her legs and feet are not convenient, kneeling for a long time, the leg bone came from the pain, almost fell to the ground again, she raised her hand, heavy hammer a few thighs, soothing the meridians, before limping to the black bodyguards in front of.

Because of the movement of her hammer leg, several men in the box only thought that she had been kneeling for a long time and her leg was numb. Qin Mumu knew, however, that the limping woman was suffering unbearable pain for ordinary people.

Qin Mucu regret, because she, implicated Julia sister.

"Sister Julia..." Qin Mumu could not help but open his mouth. But by one side of the cynical Xi Chen severe eyes warning, scared shut her mouth, her eyes full of remorse, but powerless to look at the poor woman limping.

Julia looked numb, walked up to the bodyguard, quietly took a deep breath, exhaled a breath. For a moment, she raised her arm with a pretense of calm and grabbed the shoulder of the black-clad bodyguard.

She seemed calm, but the black-clad bodyguard closest to her, clutching her shoulders in both hands, could clearly detect the shaking of the Harper princess in front of her.

Miss JuliaHarper. He knows her, too. But the black-clad bodyguard still can not believe that this embarrassed and humble woman in front of him was once the proud and energetic Miss Jane.

Standing on tiptoe, Julia's pale lips shivered against the lips of the black-clad bodyguard in front of her...

Losing her first kiss won't cost her a piece of meat, and with that bottle of wine, the chances of her not dying are almost zero.

She wants to live. First kiss? What's that?

Sebastian King has a mixed look. She chose the latter.

The man on the sofa narrowed his eyes, his thin lips just opened. Suddenly there was a voice at the door: "Hey, is it you? Why are you still here?"

As soon as this sound was heard, all the people in the box followed the sound, and at some unknown moment a tall man entered the door of the box.

Julia gave a shock and turned to look at the door. "It's you..."

Xi Chen looked at the tall and straight man at the door, and then looked at Julia. A pair of peach eyes smiled: "Yo, Xavier, so you know her." That's weird. A janitor, worth Xavier getting to know?

Xi Chen stroked his chin to see what was going on.

Sebastian King's eyes are also on Xavier. There was a faint darkness in the eyes.

Xavier does not care that these people's eyes fall on him, he looks strangely at Julia... What does the woman want? Why does it look like he's trying to force kiss Sebastian King's bodyguard?

With a careless wink, Xavier sketches out a smile: "Strange, I just left for a moment, and this box is busy." Xavier, with his hands in his trouser pocket, walks lazily to Julia and asks, "What is this doing?"

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