Chapter 17 is only more humiliating

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Outside the box, Su Meng appeared from the corner, raised her head, her eyes brightened instantly, raised her feet and walked softly out of the box, "Luna, what are you doing?"Suddenly a cold voice came from behind, and Luna outside the box turned her head in fear, and after looking clearly at the people behind her, her face became uncomfortable, "No, I didn't see anything..."Luna is the princess of box 606, those boys don't want her to wait on them, but let Dream sister personally put a newly arrived cleaner into it.Luna was driven out of the box, natural heart is not convinced, around this no one, Luna gently quietly opened the door of the box, through the gap to peek inside, this look, but stared wide eyes, while in the heart Julia laughed at nothing.Su Dream sneer, she asked is "what are you doing", not "what to see", Luna is undoubtedly there is no silver three hundred and twenty."You have nothing to do here. Go to the first floor and greet the guests." Luna also want to say what, Su dream lightly swept Luna a glance, Luna was reluctant to leave the sixth floor. But there was something in her heart... Dream sister unfair, clearly she is the princess of box 606, but did not let her go in to greet guests.The people who came here today are all rich and powerful owners, and it is not easy to see. Also each is young handsome fresh meat, such a good thing, dream sister let this good-for-nothing cleaner come.And now I let myself go to the first floor to greet the ordinary guests!Luna stomped off angrily.Su Meng gently opened a crack in the door, and the scene inside frightened her, who had been accustomed to singing about the darkness.In the box"Climb! So slow! Do you want the money or not?"Julia clenched her teeth, clenched her lip flesh, tried to ignore the pain in the musculoskeletal meridians, and sped up. Before she knew it, her clothes were soaked with sweat.Since her release from prison, even on the hot summer afternoon on the hot road, she had not shed a drop of sweat, and now she soaked the clothes on the back."Quick! To the small man here to climb, "he said with a smile, a group of fops around him haha, in the eyes of Sebastian King, Julia no dignity to climb to only 20 years old in front of less, in the dark, the eyes of men, violent cyclone swept!Julia! ... There was fire in the man's eyes and an unspeakable tightness in his heart.Sebastian King never considered why he looked at the woman in front of him who he hated to the core, so low, so humble, his heart would be angry.Not to mention, his purpose is to humiliate Julia this woman, and now that his purpose has reached, why does he not have a little bit of joy in his heart."Hold up your head and show him." Li Xiao young frivolous, make public light words, passed into Julia's ears, she was not moved, not angry, not angry, just obedient slowly raised his head, like a wooden doll without a soul, Li Xiao a command, she is an action."Good heavens! What the hell!" The partner behind Li Shao exclaimed, staring into Julia's eyes, as if he saw a monster: "Li Shao, this woman doesn't need makeup, just like a clown.""Li Shao, Shen Dashao said is right, wine with beauty, such an ugly woman, what qualifications to drink Li Shao reward wine?" The next generation of dudes started screaming.Julia bowed her head, secretly relieved... Anything to keep her from drinking!Her life, from the moment that stupid girl died, was no longer her own. In order to live, she must not risk drinking, her damaged kidney, can not withstand the liquor."No," said the young boy overhead with a smirk, "when I said I'd give her a glass of wine, I gave her a glass of wine, and I kept my word." Said, standing in front of Julia full, condescendingly drank a voice: "Small father admire you drink wine, do not raise your head?"Seeing Julia not moving, the big boy called Li Shao cried out somewhat displeased: "Ask you to raise your head?" Deaf?" He sneered: "Do you need me to call someone to help you?"Julia hard scalp raised his head, the next second, "crash" a sound, less hands a cup, the drink in the cup, all poured in Julia's face, caught off guard, the spirits choked into the nose, eyes, Julia a violent cough, white face.Li Shao put the glass on the crystal table and said with a wicked smile: "But you look like this, it is too unpleasant, small master's wine, can only reward you in this way."Said and the people around a smile, take time to wave: "small ye talk, this you let the small ye happy," said to Julia fifty thousand dollars, cold hehe shouted: "Take the money, not fast roll?" My eyes hurt every time I look at you."The money, hit Julia in the face, fell to the floor. Julia also lay on all fours on the ground, stretched out trembling hands, almost with all her strength to catch the money on the ground."Did you get up?"Julia was just about to move, the big boy called Li Shao said with a chuckle.After stuffing all the bills into the large pockets made of clown makeup, Julia dropped her head and lay on her stomach."Hey! Don't forget to wag your tail!"Julia had a little shock, and then...Slowly lift your right hand, right leg, left hand, left leg, then shake your hips...In this full of humiliation of the whistle, quietly exit... Crawl away on all fours!And she never looked again at the man lurking in the darkness on the sofa....The voices behind them, when the door of the box was closed again, were completely shut out from behind it. At the same time, something seems to have been taken from Julia.What is it? Julia doesn't even know. Vaguely, she knew that she was no longer the same as before... In fact, it has been different for a long time, and today, it is the unveiling of the last layer of FIG leaf.A hand slanted forward: "I help you."Julia was like being burned to the same retreat, raised her head, "dream sister..." Subconsciously saw the person in front of him, shouted, but the word was exhausted, silent for a while, Su Dream saw the woman in front of him trying to pull out a far-fetched smile and said: "I'm okay."Su dream's breath stagnated, how could there be nothing?"I'm fine." This looking humble woman said firmly again.Su Meng's breathing stopped again... Where's good? It's not okay!I want to yell at Julia in front of me, but these words are stuck in my throat and I can't say a word."Sister Dream, this money..." Julia half against the wall, struggling to support their own body not to fall, slowly from the clown's pocket a handful of those in the box "sell ugly" to get the reward money: "Dream sister, please help me deposit in the bank card."Su Meng watched her take out the bank card Sebastian King gave her from her pocket... What is the reason that will let a person carry this bank card without leaving his body?

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