Chapter 6How Long Have We Not Seen each other

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The fire, sure enough, came to her side! She really shouldn't bother to help Qin Mu Mu!

Julia wanted to die with regret.

"Hey, ask you, lady cleaner."

Julia could only nod her head.

The cynical voice smiled happily and said to Qin Mu Mu: "Hear? A janitor can read a situation better than you." He grabbed the bottle of wine and slammed it on the table: "Drink it up." Otherwise, call Su Meng." Sue dream is Julia interview dream sister.

Mentioned dream sister, Qin Mucu some afraid, her family is poor, to the east emperor waiter, is because the east emperor high wages. If we call in Dreamer, she'll lose her job.

"Don't call me Dream Sister!" Qin Mu Mu grabbed the bottle of wine on the crystal table: "I drink!" With that, tears began to fall before he could drink.

"Wait a minute." In the darkness, a low voice sounded slowly. Julia, with her back to the dark corner, heard the sound and began to shake uncontrollably.

Fundus climbing panic, breathing also began to heavy.

"Turn around." The voice commanded in the darkness.

Julia's legs felt like they were filled with lead and she wouldn't move. She desperately said to herself: Not to me.

"Again, turn around, Aunt cleaner."

Julia felt like she had been punched in the heart, and she knew she had to do it. Her teeth "creaked" up and down, wearing heavy clothes, difficult to turn away.

The atmosphere was very strange, and by this time, everyone knew that something was wrong.

The cynical boy put his fingers to his lips and whistled joyfully, "We're going to have a good time."

A man on the couch barked, "Shut up and don't disturb my play."

"My God, White Yuxing, you are so fucking bad to the bone."

Julia's eyes were full of fear. She wanted to run away!

Three years in prison, one thousand and ninety-five days and nights, she lived in the depths of fire, after climbing out of the dark hell, no longer dare to have any unforgiving thoughts about Sebastian King, and the rest is the fear and fear of this man carved into her bones.

Rao is still infatuated with and love for this man, and has long been buried in her heart grave, never to see the light.

"Keep your head up." The voice commands slowly, Julia almost commands her one action at a time.

The light was dim, and the man, hidden in a dark corner, did not dare to look closely as she entered, so no wonder she did not find him.

Sebastian King is like an emperor, sitting elegantly in the corner of the sofa, slender arms propped on the armrest of the sofa, the back of the hand supports the chin, elegant gentleman, but wearing the eyes of the canary frame, like a hungry Wolf staring at her, anytime and anywhere will tear her apart.

Three years of time, not only did not let him be infected with the traces of years, but made him more and more dazzling after years of grinding.

His face, hidden in the dim light, seemed to be plated with gold, and he sat there, radiating a fascinating charm.

But... She dared not look twice! Hurriedly buried his head in the thick bosom in front of him.

"Oh," said Sebastian King with a sneer, a cold smile and a dangerous voice. "Long time no see, why? Don't you say hello?"

Julia looked pale. "Mr King."

Julia tried to control the fear in her heart, fingers tightly around her thighs and legs, as much as possible to maintain a calm appearance.

But her every move has long been seen through by the man on the sofa opposite.

Sebastian King squinted up and down at Julia... If he had not seen her in the East Emperor today, he would have almost forgotten this person.

She's changed a lot. Had it not been for the waiter's inadvertent "Sister Julia", he would not have recognized the woman.

The lights in the box are dim, and he can only get a glimpse, but even so, Sebastian King has to admit that Julia has changed more than he expected.

"When did it come out?" "Asks Sebastian King, shrugging it off.

Julia was anxious, her face was completely without blood, suddenly raised her head, and looked at the man on the opposite side with prayer... Please, don't say, don't say my prison in front of so many people, please - those eyes, clearly written this sentence!

Sebastian King raised his eyebrows. Caught off guard, he lifted his fingers, pointed to the bottle in Qin Mu Mu's hands, and scoffed at Julia and raised his lips: "I know what you want to say, you can." If you can drink the whole bottle of wine, I will grant your request."

Julia looked at the bottle of vodka in Qin Mu Mu hands with a pale face.

Bols vodka, one of the most famous vodkas in the world, is about 40 degrees. Julia looked pale at the bottle of vodka and opened her mouth. She wanted to say something.

The man on the sofa, like a hunter, plays with the toys under his feet, and his dark eyes playfully stare at Julia: "My patience is limited."

Julia's face grew whiter as she listened to the familiar voice.

"I, I don't drink."

As soon as the lie was said, Julia felt her scalp tingling, and she was about to be burned by the sight of the substance. The palm, in the corner where he could not see, quietly clenched into a fist... She is like a death row prisoner waiting to be sentenced, waiting for the final sentence.

'Mr King, you, you have to spare me.' In order to live, Julia can abandon her self-esteem and crawl to the ground to beg for forgiveness: "Please, let me go once, as long as I don't drink, let me do anything." She wanted to live, and she had to live to pay her debts.

Yeah, she's got a lot of debt. The creditor is definitely not Summer.

The man hid in the dim light of the side, a sudden surprise, then Sebastian King expressionless said: "But just a bottle of wine, in order not to drink, it is easy for you to kneel? Julia, what happened to the pride you used to have, the pride you died to defend?"


Julia's face, buried deep in the ground, showed a hint of mockery and bitterness.

What is dignity? Can dignity be eaten? Will dignity keep her alive?

She didn't get down on her knees to avoid a bottle of wine, she got down to -- to live!

She closed her eyes in pain, as long as she closed her eyes, there would be a series of humiliated faces in front of her. Except for one person, and that girl, in the end, because of her! Because of her! Died in a dark, damp prison!

The young life of twenty years old, the age of the pattern, so withered in that dark damp place.

Because of her. Because of her, Julia!

This is a sin, a debt, an unpaid sin and debt!

She doesn't owe Summer, she owes the girl who stood up for her in prison, and then died in prison for no reason!

Julia could not stop shaking, she seemed to see the girl covered in blood lying in her arms, Shouting "Sister Julia", dying, with Julia this life has never heard the most beautiful voice to tell her hometown and her dream.

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