Chapter 5

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

"Bonnie, come on! It's time to dance!"

Caroline's smile is one of happiness and joy. She knew that her friend had no idea about what was to happen in the next several hours. Niklaus kept her out of all of it.

She allows her friend to take her arm and pull her out onto the floor. She finds herself face to face with Elena who looks like a ray of amber light, her trim form wrapped in a tawny dress that hugged all of her curves. Her long brown hair hung down her back, held up by silver pins that she knew were a gift from Stefan.

Caroline stood beside her in a dress that reminded Bonnie of the blazing sun. Her hair, the exact opposite of Bonnie's, was down as well, the most delicate of tiaras on her head. Sapphires blazed in the dim light, encased by crystal and silver.

The music picked up and Bonnie danced. She lept higher, pulling up the skirts of her emerald dress and the three girls were suddenly blurs of radiant color. The clapping of the other men and women keep the beat and she follows it.

And then...

Oh, god, and then...

She sees him as she turns on the dance floor. He's there, standing off to the side, unnoticed by all but her. And why shouldn't he be? Because he's dead and the only thing that makes him feel a tad alive is the Bennett witch.

She stops and their eyes meet. And suddenly, they are the only two people in the world. She feels like she is in a dream as she steps out of the circle. There's a Bonnie that is still on the floor, dancing with her best friends and enjoying life.

His eyes meet hers. Those eyes that are like two drops of crisp golden honey. Wavy hair like an aged penny that had seen so much life.

His hand takes hers. When she feels the burning heat of his lips against her hand.

"May I have this dance, witch?"

He bows low.

She rolls her eyes and attempts to walk away, but he had other ideas. And now she's in his arms. Or maybe it's the other way around. They barely dance. The only movement is of each trying to pull the other closer.

"What is happening," she finds herself murmuring.

"I wish I knew," he murmurs back. His lips burn against her ear. "I wish I knew."

Bonnie finally steps back so she can look into those honey eyes. Those eyes...that mouth!

"Stop," she demands.

Kol looks back at her, his expression unreadable.

And then he nods.

"I see you're enjoying my party," Kol cockily smirked.

"Don't start with me Kol. I doubt you want to be set on fire," she replied.

He leans in and his lips radiating heat on her ear, "You do not scare me love."

Bonnie's hands fly up to rake through her hair. Her fingertip gets stuck on one of her topaz hairpins and she winces, pulling her hand away.

A tiny drop of blood blossoms on her fingertip. She stares at it for a brief moment, her eyes widening.

Kol looks down for a long moment and his eyes finds his way back to hers.

"You are strong, Bonnie Bennett," he breathes.

Her eyebrows furrow in confusion, and she looks into his eyes... She see's an emotion she never thought the vampire would transmit. But iY can't be..

Then abruptly a scream was unleashed. The witch looked around the room to see what the commotion was about.

She sighed and turned around to see Kol nowhere in site. She frantically looked around the ballroom and saw no Mikaelson.

Why is she looking anyways?

Hands close down around her bare shoulders, gently shaking her scaring her.

"Bonnie! Bonnie, are you all right?"

Caroline's blue eyes find hers as she recovers herself and nods.

"Yes. I'm fine." Bonnie lies, gently pulling away from her friend's grip. "Get Elena, I'm ready to leave."

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