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"I'm proud of you" Marjorie smiled as she looked at Reece. After his conversation with Mia, Reece had retreated to the venues beer garden for some fresh air. His girlfriend had followed shortly after. They sat in silence for a little while, listening to the faint sound of laughter and music coming from inside. They were completely alone, as it wasn't exactly beer garden weather.

"Thanks gorgeous. I'm so sorry for spoiling tonight, I know you've really been looking forward to this."

Marjorie gently placed her hand on Reece's arm and replied "you didn't spoil it, just a little blip my love. It looks like that chat between you and Mia was long overdue - you know how to pick your moments don't you?"

Reece laughed at that, she wasn't wrong. He had been working so hard recently, rifling through old trauma, soul searching and digging deep to find those three little words. He was so close, he knew it. As they fell into a comfortable silence once again, cuddling and gazing up at the night's sky, he thought about it all. How he had longed to reunite with his beloved sister, and how thrilled he was to see her so happy with Winter - finally putting her trust in others. How they had taken over the nursery together and ousted their monster of a father. How he finally felt loved, safe, appreciated, seen. He felt that familiar pang in his chest as he realised he'd been looking at this whole thing so wrong. Five years ago, he'd have given anything to be living this life. He and Mia had both been through a lot and they could BOTH be happy - and double the love for Carly, which was all she deserved. He'd decided to let Carly dance with her friends tonight, but he was already thinking of ways he could make this up to her - he never wanted her to be afraid of him or his temper.

Could he let go of her? The woman who Charlotte quite rightly said, broke his heart. He would always hate her for leaving him and more so for leaving his precious little sister, she needed her Mum. Reece smiled as he realised no matter what, Autumn would always have him and Marjorie (and Winter of course, he worshiped the ground she walked on). Never lonely again my sweet sister.

Reece felt a pain in his chest, as though his heart was ready to shatter. As he looked up at the stars, thinking about just how huge this universe really was, he knew this was it.

"Marjorie" he turned as he said her name, looking once again into her eyes, so full of life and love.

"Yes darling?"

"I love you."

He watched as her eyes widened in shock and as her entire face lit up with pure joy, she had never looked more beautiful.

"I love you too Reece." There was a slight pause, then she continued..."Reece..."

"Yes Marjorie." He was eager to hear what came next.

"I can't believe we've just had this conversation dressed as Barbie and Ken."



A/N - Let me know if you have any other story ideas or prompts, anything TNN related at all ☺️

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