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Part of him instantly regretted it. Not because of Mia - yes she looked shocked, but Carly honestly looked frightened. He had never spoken like that in front of her before and he'd honestly never had any intention of doing so. It just came out.

"I beg your pardon?" Mia was looking at him with her eyes narrowed.

"You heard. Get out of here filling Carly's head with your hatred. Just because you're the spawn of Satan, it doesn't mean you have to turn her into that too."

Reece was acutely aware that everyone was watching them - previously, there had been a constant babbling as everyone chatted. Now everyone was silent.

"First of all, this conversation has nothing to do with you. Secondly, I'm not trying to fill her head with anything. Who do you think you are?" Mia's eyes were glowing with anger now, which did nothing but spur Reece on.

"Maybe you aren't trying to, but you can't help it, you're poison Mia. Nothings ever enough is it? You just have to get your claws into everyone and everything don't you?" he didn't even mean it. She was trying so hard. Why couldn't he shut his mouth?

He could feel Marjorie digging her nails into his arm so he turned to face her. She was looking at him with an expression of shock. He knew what was coming - recently even Marjorie had softened to Mia, as the red head had been on her best behaviour around her. As the dust had settled, how happy Mia made Charlotte completely warmed Marjorie's heart and the two former enemies had forged a slightly awkward but mostly pleasant acquaintance.

"Reece, that's a horrible thing to say. I think you should apologise - this isn't like you." Marjorie pleaded with him, she didn't like this new side of her boyfriend. Everyone had been getting on so well recently - what was he doing?

He wanted to apologise. He wanted to fix his mistake. He wanted to take away the tears that were forming in his girlfriend's eyes. But there was that red rage again. Wait...APOLOGISE? Actually, for what? Not being Mia? Apparently that's who everyone preferred, who everyone wanted.

"I'll apologise when she stops being such a bitch. So, never then." He looked over at Mia as he said this. Several of the nursery staff gasped at this, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Charlotte stand up. The brunette walked over to stand next to her girlfriend and as he looked into her eyes, an intense feeling of shame washed over him. She looked angrier than he had ever seen her. Pushing shame down was one of his best talents however, so he flicked his eyes back down to the red head and simply said:

"It's a good job you look the way you do. Nobody wants you for your winning personality, no matter how much you lie to yourself." He watched as Mia's eyes widened in shock and for a second he felt proud of himself, in some twisted way. But he knew Mia after so many years together. So he knew that look, when her eyelashes fluttered as she caught her breath. He'd actually hurt her. So much so, that it wasn't even her voice he heard next.

"How DARE you" Charlottes voice echoed as she pointed at Reece in fury. She was clearly about to say something else but that never came. She was distracted by Mia standing up suddenly and rushing towards the toilets. It looked like she was crying. A jolt ran through Reece's heart as he watched Charlotte follow the red head.

No it can't be, Mia never cries. I've not just made her cry...she doesn't care about anything - she never has. I've not really hurt her...she has no heart to hurt. Right?

WHY ALWAYS HER? - (TNN - REECE & VARIOUS)Where stories live. Discover now