Chapter 36: Duel with a pharaoh

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Hi, we're back with the duel against the Pharaoh. No, not the one you think (although he does have a certain presence, after all), but another one. Feel free to vote, if you liked it, or comment.

Selya's point of view

Banner's class today was strangely interesting. He gave us a history lesson, telling us about the king of games, Yugio Muto, and his rival and founder of the Academy, Seto Kaiba. I found the drawings resembling, if a little childish.

Solra: I see. Things that don't change, despite the centuries, it seems.

Me: What are you talking about?

Then he told us about another duellist. A pharaoh by the name of Abidos III, nicknamed the god of duels because he had never lost a duel in his life. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in surprise.

Solra: Nonsense!

Me, amused: Is it just me, or are you offended?

She stared at me intently, like wounded royalty.

Solra: The most powerful duelist is Atem and nobody else. Not this kid.

Me: He hasn't wasted a life.

Solra: Are you going to tell me you believe that?

Me: Not really, no.

The image Banner showed us was of a pharaoh covered by a mask, his build seemed to show a young man in his prime.

Me: Did he really not lose any duels?

Banner: From the accounts we've got, none.

I was rather pessimistic. There was something behind it. You can't go a whole lifetime without losing once.

Jaden: I wish I could face him.

Chazz chuckling: He would have put you at 0 in one round anyway.

Jaden: Don't worry, I'd have avenged you.

This made Chazz even angrier.

Chazz: I was talking about you, about you!

Jaden, arms behind his head: Really, even against a god, I'm sure you'd manage.

Solra: Really, Jaden Yuki?

I couldn't help but give her a confused look. What was she implying?

Later that evening,

I walked along the beach, setting off to return to the dormitory after drawing. My mind was on this Abidos III, with his record of zero defeats in his life. Was it possible? Could there be a hidden defeat?

Solra: I can assure you there isn't.

Me: How can you be so sure?

Our conversation was cut short when I saw holes form in front of me, before seeing mummies emerge from them. Their eyeless sockets, with visible skin and teeth decayed by the ages, weren't exactly welcoming. Others came out behind me, surrounding me and pinning me down. Think... How do I get out of here?

Solra: Let me take your place.

Me: Okay.

Mummy: Those with the key...

And so I left my place to the latter, who stared at the mummies with her calm and cold royal gaze.

Solra: That's enough. Tell me who sent you.

Me: I doubt it...

To my surprise, the mummies seemed to back away from her. Who was she? Then a golden boat appeared in the sky, blinding us with its golden light.

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