3 - Detention and Confession

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Once it was time for lunch, Dan made his way to his English class for the second time that day for his detention. He smiled slightly as he approached the door.

"Even more time with Mr. Lester.."
He mumbled under his breath whilst opening the door to the teachers class.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Howell"
Dan was immediately greeted.

"Hello, Mr. Lester..."
He replied, timidly; locating his desk from the front of the class and sitting down.

"So, Daniel..." Mr. Lester began. "Why haven't you been doing your work in this class?"

Dan panicked slightly "I-I don't know, sir" he quickly sputtered out, looking down at his desk. He cursed his mouth for never working at times like this, cringing at the stutter at the beginning that must have blown his cover.

"Do you really think I believe that, Dan? You get straight A's in all of your other classes as far as I am aware. What is going on here, Howell?" Phil pushed. He wasn't letting Dan get away so easily.

"It's n-nothing s-sir..." Dan stuttered, wanting to cry. The teacher had never pushed him for this much information about his school work before, he had no idea how to react, he was so embarassed. What could he answer?

He couldnt simply say "I have a massive crush on you and can't focus on my school work", He would never be allowed in this English class again!

Phil's face softened when he realised the student's stuttering and obvious sadness. He may be angry at the student but he wasn't completely heartless. Walking towards Dan's desk and kneeling so he was at eye level with him, he pushed Dan's fringe out of his eyes. It felt wrong, but looking at his face up close, Phil was noticing how attractive Dan really was.

"Hey," the teacher began as Dan looked up at him. "Is something going on at home?" Phil said, sounding geniunely concerned by this point.

"N-no sir..." Dan replied shakily, leaning slightly into Mr. Lester's hand sub-conciously. "I-it's nothing you can do anything about"

"Are you sure, Daniel?" Phil asked, tilting his head slightly and gently petting the students head again. "His hair is so soft..." Phil thought but quickly shook the thought out of his head "He's your student, you idiot, a bad student at that" he lightly mumbled to himself.

Dan's eyes widened. Because of the silence of the classroom he had heard his teacher's mumbling, but didn't comment on it. Not yet.

"I'm not sure..." Dan replied to the question he was asked, looking at his teacher once again, thier eyes meeting.

"I just--" he began, looking back away, but didn't know how to word his thoughts.

"I--" he stuttered once again.

"Sir...?" he finally said slightly louder.

"Yes Mr. Howell?" Phil answered expectantly, looking up at Dan from his kneeling position beside Dan, his arms resting on the students desk.

Dan quickly got out of his chair and Phil instinctively got up as well. Looking up at the older man, Dan leaned in closer and hugged the teacher tightly, crying silently as he did. Mr. Lester was certainly surprised but hugged back nonetheless, feeling Dan nuzzle into his chest slightly, he smiled, tilting the boys head up by his chin.

"It's okay, Dan, I won't force you to say anything, you're okay" Phil comforted him as well as he could.

Dan took a deep breath. "I-I love you, Mister Lester" he whispered before the bell rung, prompting him to get to his next class.

Dan ran as fast as he could out of the class to his locker, panting heavily as he got the textbook for his next class, leaving a very confused Phil and a sketchbook behind...

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