🌺Marking Scheme and Judges Form🌺

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Here is the marking scheme for judges:

Title-Out of 5 points

Does the title fit the story?  Does it grab the reader's attention?  Is the grammar in the title correct?

Cover-Out of 5 Points

Does the cover fit the plot of the story?  Is it legible and neat?

Blurb-Out of 10 Points

Does the blurb hook the reader?  Does the blurb provide all important information for reading the book?  Is the blurb a satisfactory length for the book in question?  Is the blurb gramatically correct with few confusing aspects?

First Chapter (And anything that comes before it)-Out of 10 Points

Does the first chapter set up the story in an interesting way?  Are important characters introduced and their personalities established?  Is the grammar correct and writing style neat?  Are there other parts before the first chapter?  Do they add interesting information and visuals into the book?

Plot/Concept-Out of 20 Points

Does the concept make sense?  Does the concept peak the reader's interest?  Does the plot make sense?  Does the plot progress at a good pace for the book?  Is the plot evident in almost all of the chapters?  Are side plots present?  If so, do they connect to the main plot in an interesting way?

Development and Organization-Out of 20 Points

Do the characters progress as the story moves forward?  Is their progression moving at an ideal rate for the situations they go through?  

Is the story organized well?  Are thoughts and regular descriptions separated in some way?  Are paragraphs broken at the right moments?  Are there too many runoff sentences or extremely short sentences?

Grammar and Mechanics-Out of 20 Points

Is the grammar correct throughout the story?  Are there minimal spelling and gramatical errors that can be easily fixed?  Does lack of good grammar distract from the story?  Are all proper nouns capitalized?  Is proper punctuation used throughout the story?

Overall Enjoyment-Out of 10 Points

Did you enjoy the book?  Would you read it again on your own if given the opportunity?  Did the writer make the book interesting all the way through?

Final Notes

Please include any final notes you have on the book.

Judges, once you finish your scoring, please send me your scores via Discord or the Wattpad Message Board 

I'll send my discord username to anyone who wants it when it is time for judging.

Anyone using the message board, there will be a specific chain for you to post under.  I'll try to get to your scores as fast as possible so I can record them and then delete the comment.


Please complete this form in the inline comment if you want to be a judge:


Category Judging:

Participating In Awards (Yes or No):

Rules Followed (Yes or No):

Payment Completed (Yes or No):


Complete Form Here ->

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