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Wonyoung's POV

It's been five years since I last saw Sunghoon. In those years, the weight of his loss never lifted. I shared my grief with my therapist, admitting how I felt suicidal after losing him. Each night was a struggle. Sleep brought no solace; instead, it was a battlefield of recurring nightmares. I could still feel his cold skin against mine, reliving the moment Gaeul shot him, the moment Sunghoon leaped in front of me to take the bullet.

The nightmares grew worse over time, gnawing at my sanity. One day, my therapist suggested, "Go to the place where it happened. Maybe you'll find peace and comfort there."

Clinging to that hope, I traveled back to Busan. I found myself at Gaeul's old house, specifically the basement where the tragic event unfolded. The air was thick with memories. As I walked deeper, every sound seemed to echo the past, the walls whispering the cries of that fateful night. I pressed my hands against my ears, trying to block out the phantom screams.

Stepping onto the ground where Sunghoon saved me, a shiver ran down my spine. I could see it all so clearly: Gaeul aiming, Sunghoon jumping in front of me, the shot that tore him away from me.

I took a deep breath and sat down on the spot where I held him for the last time. The memories played out before my eyes like a cruel, unending movie. I watched him die over and over, felt the tears streaming down my cheeks, and my breathing slowed, bordering on panic.

Unable to bear it any longer, I stood up, ready to run away. But before I could, I felt something embrace me from behind. I froze, my heart pounding in my chest. My breath became shaky as I whispered, "Sunghoon, is that you?"

A soft breath brushed my ear, and a familiar voice murmured, "Mhm." I couldn't believe it. As I turned around, my legs nearly gave way, but something held me up. My eyes locked onto a pair of familiar, beloved eyes. It was him. Sunghoon.

I cried, throwing my arms around him. "I'm sorry that I couldn't save you. I'm so sorry." I repeated it over and over, tears blurring my vision. His lips met mine, gentle and reassuring. His hand cupped my cheek, pulling me closer. My heart felt both heavy and light. I held him tightly, terrified he might vanish again.

When we finally parted, I gasped for air, seeing his smile—bright and full of life. He brushed a strand of hair from my face and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too," I replied, my voice trembling with emotion.

"Wait for me," he said softly. "Wait for me until I come back completely."

"I will. Always," I promised, tears of hope and sorrow mingling on my cheeks. He kissed me once more before slowly fading away. I watched, heart aching yet filled with a strange peace, as he disappeared into the air. "I will wait until you come back to me, my love," I whispered to the empty space.

With a renewed sense of hope, I left the basement and the house, a smile playing on my lips and warmth spreading through my heart.


Five months later, I stood by the balcony, watching the sun break through the clouds after a rainstorm. The gentle breeze on my face brought a sense of tranquility I hadn't felt in years. Memories of my encounter with Sunghoon lingered, but they brought comfort rather than pain.


I turned to see my best friend, Yujin, emerging from the dressing room in a stunning white dress adorned with pearls. She wore a veil that made her look ethereal. I ran to her, and we hugged, laughing.

"Yujin, you look so beautiful," I said, my voice filled with admiration.

"Thank you," she replied softly, smiling.

We interlocked arms and walked down the hallway towards the wedding arbor, where her future husband waited. Jay, dressed in a black suit, looked like a prince. Yujin, however, looked like a fairy, radiant and ethereal.

As we walked, I saw my aunt with my niece on her lap and my uncle Taemin waving at me. I waved back, feeling a sense of family warmth. When we reached the arbor, I placed Yujin's hand in Jay's, whispering, "Take care of my best friend."

"I will protect her until death parts us," Jay promised, nodding solemnly.

I joined Aunt Seulgi and Uncle Taemin, watching as the pastor began his speech. Yujin's happiness was palpable, her eyes shining with joy. Tears welled in my eyes as I thought of Sunghoon, but I pushed the thoughts away, focusing on the celebration before me. When Jay lifted Yujin's veil and kissed her, I cheered along with everyone else, feeling a pang of bittersweet joy.


At the reception, the newlyweds danced and sang, their happiness infectious. Watching them, my heart ached with longing for Sunghoon, for the future we never got to have. I stepped outside, needing a moment alone. Sitting on a bench near the entrance, I scrolled through photos from high school, each one a reminder of happier times with Sunghoon. A cool breeze made me shiver, and I felt a jacket being draped over my shoulders.

Turning around, I saw no one. Goosebumps rose on my skin, and I whispered to myself, "Can it be?"

Shaking my head, I dismissed the thought. "It can't be him," I told myself, but the jacket brought a comforting warmth. I walked back inside, feeling a strange sense of anticipation.


Back inside, I saw my uncle taking care of my niece and my aunt talking with the newlyweds. Approaching Uncle Taemin, I thanked him for the jacket.

He looked puzzled. "What jacket?" he asked.

"Isn't this yours?" I questioned, holding it up.

He shook his head, and I gasped. "Are you sure?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"Yes, I'm sure," he confirmed, his confusion mirroring my own.

Heart racing, I ran out of the building, driven by an inexplicable need to find Sunghoon. I sprinted through the streets, my feet burning and lungs straining, but I couldn't stop until I found him. After what felt like an eternity, I collapsed against a wall, my body spent and my breath ragged.

Looking up at the sky, I screamed out my frustrations, the tears flowing freely. Exhausted, I sank to the ground, watching the rain fall.


A figure watched from a distance, unseen, but not unfelt. The presence drew closer as I sat there, lost in my grief. I heard footsteps and tensed, fear creeping in. The person crouched down and placed a hand on my head. I looked up, and my heart skipped a beat.

Familiar eyes met mine, filled with sorrow and love. I whispered, "You aren't real. You're just a hallucination."

His eyes glistened with unshed tears. "Would a hallucination do this?" he asked softly, leaning in to kiss me. The touch was real, familiar, and I melted into it, all doubts vanishing.

As we kissed, I felt his tears on my face, mingling with mine. I held his hands, feeling the same warmth and tenderness from our last moments together. When we finally broke apart, he whispered, "I missed you, my love."

"I missed you too," I said, throwing myself into his arms. "Never leave me again."

He nodded, holding me close. We sat there, in the pouring rain, wrapped in each other's embrace. For the first time in years, I felt whole, our love defying the boundaries of life and death.

So their life began anew, filled with joy and love, and the promise of a future together.

The end.

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