Chapter 14

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Wonyoung's POV

I stormed away full of rage . A blind pig could find its way out of here better than he could !!! In the back of my mind , I knew Ben was right , that we shouldn't get separated , but my stubbornness took over , and I couldn't bring myself to go back .

After another five minute's worth of walking , I collapsed on a tree stump and cried . I was so lost and confused and frustrated I couldn't hold back my tears any longer .

I wish Ben was here with me . He'd help me feel better somehow . He always did . " Hey girlie . You lost ? " I heard someone say behind me .

I stood up and spun around to see a tall man looming over me . He had a wicked grin on his face . " N - n - no l - I'm f - fine . J - just waiting f - for my friend to g - get back , " I said , quickly wiping the tears away from my face .

" Now , that ain't something worth crying over now , is it ? " he asked menacingly . I shook my head . " I'll give ye something to cry about , " he
said , hitting me over the head . I fell down , blacking out .

I woke up in a chair with my hands tied together and a gag in my mouth . I saw two men arguing in front of me in another language .

Someone came in , yelled at them , and they left , leaving me alone with the man that had yelled at them , the one that kidnapped me . " Morning sleeping beauty , " he said with an evil grin .

I glared at him , and he chuckled . " You're so cute , " he said , pinching my cheeks . How I wished I could bite his finger off . " Now , what to make of you , hmm ? " he asked himself .

" You look like you have many uses . I could sell you to the labor camp . But it's worthless to destroy a pretty face , huh ? " he said , turning to me .

" Although , you look like you could carry a load if you needed to . But you're a girl , and they're worthless for heavy work ! Guess we're done with that idea , " he said .

I watched him pace back and forth as he decided my fate , as if I were a donkey going to work for a farmer . " Hmm . I'm getting bored with my current prostitute , " he said .

My eyes snapped up at him . He smirked and said , " That caught your attention , now , didn't it ? You filthy slut , " the man said , slapping me across the face .

I winced at his touch . As he continued to decide " what to do with me " , I kept shuffling my feet , which were tied to the chair . I felt the ropes becoming looser the more I moved them .

I prayed the man wouldn't see me as I tried to loosen them enough so I could get my feet out . But he saw . " Now now , we can't do that ! " he said , approaching me to tie them back up .

I had to act , now or never . I yanked my feet out , my shoes coming off in the process , stood up , and turned around so he was knocked to the floor from the force of being hit by a chair . " YOU BITCH !!!! " he called out .

He was cut short from saying any more as I slammed the foot of the chair into his stomach . His eyes rolled to the top of his head as I heard a cracking in his ribs .

I saw the door open and the two guys from earlier rush in . They were yelling something in the language I couldn't understand . Using my knees , I worked the gag out of my mouth and yelled , " QUIET !!!!!! " They both shut up .

" Untie me ! " I commanded . They obeyed . As soon as my wrists were free , I ran out the door , up some stairs , and into the forest again . I did the only thing I could think of . I screamed . Loudly .

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