Chapter 11- I Found

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Bess woke up beside Jay, smiling and bringing the blanket to her neck. Bess then thought about that she needed to tell Jay everything that happened over Christmas. She sighed and got up, heading to the kitchen to make coffee.

Jay woke up to the sound of coffee being made and went toward the kitchen, seeing Bess put cream into her coffee. He sat at one of the bar stools and waited for her to speak, knowing that she's silent when she wants to say something important.

"Before I was engaged to Grant, I was engaged to someone else. His name was Owen. We were together for two years then he died the night before Christmas Eve so every time I go back home for Christmas it hurts. This time I found out that when the will was read it was switched. I found out I was supposed to get way more than what the fake will had so I had my lawyer with me when I went to Owen's family home. We figured it all out but I put some in a trust and I kept his car, it's in my storage unit. I also gave my Aunt back her money for paying for this apartment for me and I gave the rest to Owen's charities he supported. This trip home made me realize that not everything is set in stone. Everything can be changed in an instant which I should have realized when Owen died but I was blinded by grief then I got in a relationship with Grant which was a horrible idea. I think all of these things taught me that we should appreciate what we have now and I know that we met like three weeks ago but you and my aunt and my best friends are the most important people in my life and I just wanted you to know that you're one of my closest friends."

Jay got up and hugged the teary eyed woman sitting in front of him and she grabbed onto him like he was her lifeline. Jay pulled away enough to look at her face but still have his arms around her.

"You're one of the most important people in my life too. I never actually knew what it was to actually care about someone who wasn't apart of my family until I met you."

Bess smiled at him and pulled him back to her, relaxing into his embrace until his phone went off.

"It's work." Jay said apoligetically.

"It's fine. Go." Bess smiled at him then pushed him towards the bedroom for him to get dressed.

Once Bess drank her cup of coffee and was making breakfast, Jay came out of the bedroom and Bess whistled at him.

"Looking good Halstead."

Jay looked at her and smiled at her sarcastically then collected everything he needed, grabbed something for breakfast and kissed her on the cheek, walking to the door to put on his shoes. Before he left, he turned back to her.

"Anything else I should know about?" Jay asked.

"I was in dance classes, I can play the guitar and I speak German and Spanish."

Bess grinned at the look of shock on his face. Jay nodded, "Good to know."

Bess watched as he turned and left to go to work, eating her blueberry waffle in silence.

Once she was finished eating, she went to the mailbox and opened her mail as she went back inside her apartment. Once she saw what was inside, she grabbed her phone and called her aunt.

"Hey rugrat." Trudy answered.

"Hey, I know your at work right now but I got it." Bess grinned.

"Have you opened it?"


"Open it!!" Trudy exclaimed into the phone's speaker.

Bess took a breath and opened the envelope, reading the letter as she opened it, "Dear Bess Hayden, we are delighted to inform you that you have been accepted into the spring semester of Oxford University for History and Law Online"

Trudy yelled into the speaker that her niece is going to be a lawyer and have a masters in history while Bess grinned at the letter in her hand and jumped excitedly on the couch.

She jumped off and danced around the room but stopped when Trudy spoke, "We need to celebrate!"

"Okay. Where do you wanna go?"

"It's your celebration."

"Cheesecake Factory?"

Trudy groaned at her answer, "You have an obsession."

"I know" Bess grinned even though her aunt couldn't see it.

A knock at the door made Bess turn around, "We'll talk more about it later?"

Trudy said her agreements and they both hung up the phone, Bess moving toward the door. Bess opened it, "Randall?"

"Hey Bess, do you mind if I talk to you for a few minutes?"

"Sure." Bess moved aside so he can enter.

"So what did you want—" Bess was cut off by Randall.

"I want to ask your permission to marry Trudy."

Bess grinned and hugged him, "Of course you have my permission!"

"You two are perfect for eachother and i'm so happy for you two!" Bess spoke as they pulled away.

"You think she'll say yes?" Randall asked nervously.

"I know she will." Bess smiled softly at the man in front of her, happy for two of the people she cares most about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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