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Chapter 7, My Shy Seatmate

The Perfect Audition

You really couldn't wait for Sunghoon's turn

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You really couldn't wait for Sunghoon's turn. You wondered how many students had possibly auditioned. You were practicaly jumping off your seat in anticipation to which Rhea and Raylee chuckled at your eager behaviour.

"Calm down girl, he'll come." Rhea gently pulled on your arm as you sat back on your seat.

"I'm just excited" You shrugged with a little grin. Turning your gaze back to the stage as the next auditionee entered. But to your disappointment it was just a girl you recognised as a junior.


Several auditions passed and you were slowly getting tired and bored. Raylee was already slumped down in her chair yawing every 5 minutes. 

You sighed with a pout. You were just about to zone out when a tall figure entered the stage making you sit up straight in curiousity. You looked down to see it was finally Sunghoon.

Your face lit up in a smile clapping your hands sliently. "Guys it's sunghoon!" You whispered to the girls shaking Rhea who was beside you in excitement.

Rhea just smiled down at him as his voice echoes through the speakers, everyone went silent.

"Hello everyone, my name is Sunghoon, I'm in year 11 and I'm auditioning today to be the bands singer.

You eyes widened looking at Rhea and Raylee. "Singer?" You repeated as your smile widened even more looking back at the stage.

Sunghoon seemed visibly nervous. You could see his hands trembling a little as he held the microphone taking a few breaths. 

"Today I'll be singing 'I Need U' by BTS, but a little differently, In my style" Sunghoon smiled as his cute little fang teeth poked out his lips.

He gripped the microphone on the stand tightly taking silent breaths. It was clear he was very nervous.

His eyes nervously scanned the room when his eyes fell on you. He gave you a small smile as he seemed to relax a bit at the sight of you.

You decided to be supportive and smile back putting your thumbs up for good luck. He gave you a nod taking one last breath.

"Did he just smile at you?~" Raylee giggled leaning forward in her seat to get a view of your expression. Rhea also turned her head to you. 

"Ok yeah he did" You shrugged with a hint of pink on your cheeks which were pretty easy to see despite the dim auditiorium.

"That's so cute~" Rhea chuckled nudging you playfully.

A sweet voice started singing as everyone turned their heads back to the stage. Soft sweet lyrics flowed out Sunghoon's mouth as everyone's mouths opened in surprise at how talented he was.

His voice was soothing and addicting as he sang his heart out. His lips just a centimetre away from the microphone as his eyes softly shut, singing the lyrics from his heart and soul. 

His eyes fluttered open as they lazily found yours again in the audience. Your heart fluttered at the eye contact. Even with the far distance between the two of you, you couldn't keep your eyes off him and it felt like he was right in front of you.


"Hey" Rhea shook you but you were so stunned and focused forward. 

"Bro wake up" Raylee called out as they both were confused why you were frozen and not responding.

"Sunghoon's finished his performance" Raylee got up from her seat and shook you harder. You finally snapped out of your trance and looked up at her.

"You good?" Rhea asked concerned and a bit confused.

"Yeah I'm fine" You replied and looked back at the stage when you realised it was empty. You were so frozen from Sunghoon's stares that you zoned out from the intense eye contact and didn't realise he had left the stage ages ago.

"Let's go, next periods about to start" Rhea got up from her seat to as he fingers motioned you to follow behind as your two friends started walking out of the row to the stairs.

You followed shortly after exiting the dark auditiorium after about 2 hours of auditions.

Rhea and Raylee were giggling about something as you just followed a few steps behind not being able to take Sunghoon out of your mind.

My Shy Seatmate | Enhypen Sunghoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now