☆First meeting☆

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Ga Eul was busy picking plates and other things up as the last costumers left. They were officially closed and Ga Eul had never been happier. It was a long day, she was glad that she made Jan Di leave but it was really tiring to have to take her workload.

In the end it didn't matter because she would do anything for her best friend. As she started mopping the floor she heard the bell ring.

"Sorry we're closed right now you will have to come back later." she said politely not looking up. For a few minutes all she heard was silence then a familiar voice reached her ears making her drop the mop.

"Oh I'm sure you will be able to stay open for me," Yi Jung smiled and picked up the mop. "Seems like you are busy Miss Ga Eul" He smiled at her while using the mop to prop himself up.

Ga Eul just stared at him for a couple of seconds and then gently took the mop from him. "What are you doing here Yi Jung sunbae?" She continued mopping trying not to look at him. It would be a lie if she said she wasn't happy to see him, but it hurt to admit that he was on her every thought especially since she knew he wouldn't return those feelings.

"Come on Ga Eul aren't you happy to see me?" He cocked his head some more and his smile grew wider. "You're right I should get to the point. I was wondering how Jan Di was doing?" Now the smile was gone and his voice was laced with concern.

Ga Eul stopped mopping and turned to look at him "She is exhausted but otherwise that she is doing good." Then she started mopping again and then stopped. "Actually I'm really worried sunbae she hasn't looked well in a couple of weeks and she just seems upset all of the time. I don't know what to do, I had to force her out of work today." A worried looked crossed her face. Yi Jung looked at her curiously, he knew Ga Eul was a lot like Jan Di. They both were pretty strong and all of that, but when they were upset it showed.

Yi Jung walked over to her and gently snatched the mop out of her hands "It's getting late Ga Eul you should go home, I think you have done enough for today."

Ga Eul ♡ Yi JungWhere stories live. Discover now