☆The sufferings☆

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Meanwhile, Woo Bin's men found the letters and the F4 are now back to Yi jeong place reading it. Yi jeong and Jun Pyo crying. Woo Bin holding back tears, yet tears were coming out already. Ji Hoo has a mysterious look in his face.

"I can't believe they left us, Jae Kyung why didn't you even tell me where you're going. I can't wait just stand here not knowing where you are."

"Urgh, Geum Jandi you better have a good explanation better than this. I need to know where you are"

Ga eul yang why? Why do you have to leave? Why do you have to disappear? Isn't it enough already that you broke my heart? Yi jeong spoke between sobs.

Ji Hoo was seriously looking at the note jae kyung and jandi left him. He could feel that there was something beyond those words. He just knew it. He couldn't figure it out but why he sensed something of a hint on it.

It was a gorgeous day; one that hoped would never end; the beautiful glowing sun bringing a gleaming light to the beautiful sand and sea. Its rainbow colors, shades of red, orange and yellow shine brightly into the gentle gust of fresh air which blows around Ga Eul.

The sea gulls flew overhead in anticipation of a treat from my tote bag. The sand was white and warm under my feet. I can only hear gentle sounds, the 'whoosh' coming from the turning waves. Ahead of me is the calm, peaceful sea.

Ga eul has been asleep all throughout the drive; she didn't sleep well last night after a tormenting sickness hits her. Head throbbing, stomach twisting, she was vomiting all night. She feels sorry for her best friends but she would rather sleep in the car ride than be awake and throwing up.

"Fish soup is ready!" Jandi yelling at them. "Let's go Ga eul, we better hurry up before she throws a fit on us." Jae kyung grabbed her hand and drag her towards Jandi.

"Wow, Jandi that smells good! Hmm. Yum!" Jae Kyung grabbing the bowl of soup from Jandi's hand.

"Here Ga eul, be careful it's hot!" Jandi handed Ga eul her bowl of fish soup. Ga eul ate a little only, afraid she might feel the same jolt of stomach twisting again last night. The air was getting heavier now; it must have been from the travelling they did that's why she is feeling dizzy. "Jandi, Jae kyung! Can we get inside the villa now? I need to rest."

"Sure." Jae kyung helped Ga eul to walk while holding her hips. "Let's go, Jae, you got it? Ill fix the bowls and I'll follow you guys." Jae Kyung and GamEul went inside the villa. Then Jandi's cellphone rang.

She doubts whether to pick it up or not, then she suddenly remembered both Jae kyung and she changed their numbers 2 days ago. "Hello" she answered quickly. "Yes this is her, Geum Jandi. What? Oh my god! What do we do? Okay, I'll call you back. Thank you."

The call disconnected . It seemed quite strange to Jandi. Who could have called her as it was her new number?

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