☆Way to Junpyo's place☆

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"Young Master Jun pyo, I have already hired the best detective in the country. Please give him some time. It was just 4 hours ago that you have informed me and as of now, I can't give you any news yet. I suggest we give the detective the luxury to focus on his job to get the result right away." Chief Jung calmly explained to his master.

'Aish! Okay! Remember Chief Jung, please keep it discreet. I don't want anybody to know, not even Geum Jan di. Give me answers right away soon as you have them.'

For the rest of the night, all four of them, was thinking of the possible reasons why Ga Eul broke up with Yi Jeong. Different reasons, different speculations.

Everybody did their part as what Ji Hoo told them to do. Woo Bin's men were dispatched to check up on the girls. To their dismay, Woo bin's men did not find jae kyung, jandi and ga eul in their apartment.

"Give me the news, huh? What? Where are they? Are you sure?" Woo Bin's tone and looks made Yi Jeong worried. "What do you mean they are not there? Find them!"

"Yi jeong, my men just inform me that the girls were not in their apartment."

"What?" Yi jeong was shocked to hear to it. "Where are they?" Junpyo asked.

"Woo Bin, give me the phone, I need to talk to your men." Woo Bin gave Ji hoo the phone.

"This is Yoon Ji Hoo, how long have you been there in the apartment. 4 hours? Okay? No lights? No movements inside? Okay. What about the terrace? So you haven't seen any of them since you got there? No? Okay. Hang in there. I'll give you a call back. Stay in your position."

"They left. They weren't there. Let's go guys." Ji Hoo stood up and drag the 3 of them. "Wait, are you going to find the girls? I thought we wanted to be discreet." Jun Pyo complained. "No, we aren't looking for them" answered Ji Hoo. "Then where are we going?" asked Yi Jeong.

"We are going to Jun Pyo's place." answered Ji Hoo. "Okay, now I am confused, what are we going to do in his place" Woo Bin responded with a confused face. Without any word, Ji Hoo went into the garage. "Okay, I am driving. Get in".

Meanwhile, Woo Bin's men found the letters and the F4 are now back to Yi jeong place reading it. Yi jeong and Jun Pyo crying. Woo Bin holding back tears, yet tears were coming out already. Ji Hoo has a mysterious look in his face.

"I can't believe they left us, Jae Kyung why didn't you even tell me where you're going. I can't wait just stand here not knowing where you are."

"Urgh, Geum Jandi you better have a good explanation better than this. I need to know where you are"

Ga eul yang why? Why do you have to leave? Why do you have to disappear? Isn't it enough already that you broke my heart? Yi jeong spoke between sobs.

Ji Hoo was seriously looking at the note Jae kyung and Jandi left him. He could feel that there was something beyond those words. He just knew it. He couldn't figure it out but why he senses something of a hint on it.

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