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Its been aproxamately 9 years since my mother ran away with me to the states to stay with my maternal grandmother. Quirks wern't a common thing in the states and as i got older my mother kept me from the outside world. She didn't want any people trying to do some crazy tests on me. When i turned 13 she brought me back to Japan. Thats where my love for heros started. I didn't really have much to look up to. My mom was abusive my entire life and my dad was somewhere in Japan with his new family. After my mom found him cheating in our home she packed all our stuff and took me away leaving my dad and older sister behind.

Today was the U.A entrance exams. Ever since i got back to Japan it was my dream to go to this school. Overtime I was able to enhance my quirk. Not to its fullest extent considering I had to learn on my own and i didn't really get a chance to start practicing until 2 years ago. But with some time i learned that I can creat giant flamable liquid bombs from my just hands.

Once I got to U.A I accidentally bumped into a girl with pink skin and pink hair. "Im so so so sorry I wasnt paying attention" I tried to apologize. "No its fine are you here for the entrance exams also?" She asked. "yeah my name is Y/n L/n." I say doing my hands in a peace sign. "Cool im Mina Ashido!" She says copying my motion as we both begin to laugh.

While we were talking I heard a man I assumed to be Present Mic. No normal person could possibly be that loud. He started to explain how the exams would work. I already did the written portion and I think I did fairly good on it. Once the exams started me and mina split off and wished eachother luck. "Dang this place is really nice. I accidentally say aloud. "Hey dumbass" someone with blond hair and red eyes says next to me. I turn my head and look around to see who he was talking to. "Your talking to me?" I ask. "No im talking to you." He says with a scoul.

He looked familiar but I didn't know where from. "Oh well im Y/n L/n." right as he was about to introduce himself the robots came. He starts off by blasting robots left and right. Since I actually wanted to pass I activated my quirk. I had special gloves on my hero suit so I wouldn't badly burn my hands. Well it wasn't really a hero suit. It was all DIY. My mom wasn't exactly supportive so everything i've done so far was me and my sisters doing. She helped me design my costume and even helped pay for some of the materials. It was left to me though to put it together.

I use my quirk to blast 3 robots racking up some points. As time goes on I end up earning about 38 points. Eventually I make my way to the middle of the city. I see a boy that looks like midoriya smash a robot. This didn't make sense, when did he get a quirk? And how did i recognize him. It's been so long, when i came back to Japan i didn't really have any friends and anyone from my childhood i barely remembered. But it was that little green haired crybaby and his friend who i couldn't forget. If only i could remember what his friend looked like. As a whole though, I was amazed by everyone's quirks. Especially the blonde haired kid from before. He was an asshole but he had charisma and i liked that. I hoped we'd end up in the same class. A little friendly competition never hurt. We were so much alike it was uncanny.

Once the exams were over I went back home to find my house empty. "Guess she went out again." I sigh. I looked around to see the house a mess. She always did this when going out, she'd invite her friends over they'd trash the place and then go. I hated that about my mom. And i was always expected to clean up after her. I try my best to clean what i could but i was completely tired from earlier. I also needed to tend to my wounds. I overused my quirk towards the end of the exam. I was getting a little carried away and didn't realize my hands were burning. I ignored it best i could and just pushed through but now i couldn't ignore it.

I go upstairs to my room to shower and bandage my hands. Sometime after i fell asleep. But the sleep was everything but peaceful. I awoke early to the sound of my mom arguing with my stepdad. I was used to it but that didn't mean i wanted to hear it constantly. I get out of bed and get dressed. I'm just going to head out and hope they get themselves together by the time i get back.

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