Aren't you Degisuki?

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Degisuki has been really tired of his life. Since the day of his parents car accident, he hasn't taken care of himself. After losing the only beloved ones from his life, he couldn't even focus on his study. Years ago everything seemed fine. Going on flow - his life was at peace. Back then he was in highschool and he had lots of friends also. Wasn't he happy, wasn't his life peaceful?
He loved someone whom he said was a friend of his.

But one day everything changed, when he got a call from the hospital stating about his parents car accident. He was broken, broken to the core that he wanted to kill himself. Somehow he controlled himself with the thought of his beloved highschool crush. He knows it well, his crush doesn't love him and wasn't either a gay like him. But can he stop his feelings? No, it's not easy. Once you give your heart to someone then there's no returning back for you.

Currently, degisuki is at home. He just lost his job. Why didn't I lose my breath instead of my job. Degisuki thought but stopped thinking about anything further when he received a call from his friend.

Degisuki-kun, I found a job for you. The voice said making degisuki feel miserable. Wasn't he really a perfect personality before? How can he be so damn weak right now.

Thank you gian, you're really helping me a lot. And I don't know how to repay you. Said degisuki making gian denied and remind him of their friendship since childhood.

Degisuki there's also a thing that I'll like you to listen to.
The one for whom you're gonna work is another old friend of ours.
Nobita nobi, do you remember his degisuki?

Oh how could degisuki forget this name which is able to give butterflies in his stomach. The name with whom he was in love with. Oh how badly degisuki wanna say gian that this is the name that I love and you are saying about remembering it.
Oh how badly degisuki wanna see the owner of this name and confess his feelings to him. How badly does degisuki want that person in his dark and sorrowful life, only degisuki knows.

Yeah gian, he's our friend and how could I forget him that easily. How could I forget the love of my life gian?
That's good then degisuki I will now talk with nobita and will call you later for confirmation.

Okay is the only thing that degisuki can return as he again immersed in his deep thoughts.

Nobita, how are you? How're things going on between you and sizuka? You really liked her back then. And how foolish I was to get jealous every time.

The next day gian called him saying that he is finalized for this job and Nobita wants all workers of his to stay with him only.
For degisuki, it is like a dream in which there is only him and his nobita but nobody else. Not even sizuka.
He packed his stuff and went to the location that gian had sent him.
He stood in front of the palace-like mansion. There was a guard right beside the gate, degisuki went to him and asked permission to enter inside. He straightly went inside and Crossed the mesmerizing garden on his way followed by a luxurious living room. He stopped there and gazed around feeling the luxuriousness of the environment.
The same scent as nobita. No wonder it's his house, degisuki thought.
Are you degisuki? Degisuki turned to the direction of his voice and saw a man, same as nobita standing a few meters away from him.

He's Doraemon, nobita's older brother.
Yes, I'm degisuki and am here for my job as a bodyguard for Mr. Nobita Nobi.

Oh so, you're the one that gian had recommended. No wonder why he suggested you. You got charms and a perfect body. Must say you really look strong.

Thank you! This is all that degisuki can say. He had seen Doraemon before when he came to school personally for picking nobita. Nobita's only older brother aka Doraemon. He got the same charms as nobita but the only difference is that Doraemon is a bit muscular than Nobita.

So, you're joining from today. I will show you your room and rest for a bit as nobita hasn't woken up yet. Doraemon said before guiding his way to degisuki's new room.

Wow, this room is really beautiful. Degisuki thought.
I'm leaving, rest for now okay. Doraemon said before going away from there. Degisuki went to his bed and sat there feeling the comfortable fragrance of his room. He must say Nobita belongs to a rich family. His brother runs the biggest electrical company of Japan. Nobita himself is a doctor and he got his own hospital which was gifted by Doraemon on his 23rd birthday.
He was a weak student back then but turned out to be the best student till his university. He is a doctor now.
There's a lot going on inside degisuki's head so, he didn't even realize when he fell asleep. After a few hours of comfortable sleep, degisuki woke up and went downstairs. He was again looking here and there when his feet stopped, getting goosebumps and tons of butterflies inside his stomach after hearing a deep and familiar voice.

"Aren't you Degisuki?"

Okay guys that's it for today!
Hope you like the story line and if you do then please like and do comment also. Ignore the spelling and grammatical mistakes as English isn't my first language. If you have any ideas related to the story then please do tell me and I'll try my best to include that also.
For now stay happy and keep reading.
And also, as I said before do support this story guys as it really motivates me.
If this ff doesn't get 20 votes then I'm quitting this ff. I am a woman of my words guys!!
Love you all!

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