I want you.

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The morning breezes hit Dekisuki's face. He gently opened his eyes. He was still on the bed not wanting to get up yet. He glanced around only to find Nobita in his arms, he was in his deed slumber. Dekisuki didn't want nobita to wake up that soon so, he gently tugged Nobita in the blanket and went from there. He was blushing and his happiness was above the 7th cloud. He freshened up and went to bring breakfast for Nobita.

For Nobita, the golden sunlight struck his face wanting to wake him up. He finally opened his eyes, only to feel a sharp pain in his head. He hasn't remembered yet about the things that happened last light. This headache, I must have been drunk last night. he thought, suddenly the memories of last night started to flash in his mind.
He was shocked, really shocked. He didn't expect himself to cheat on Shizuka with someone else and that someone is Dekisuki. Oh no, how could I be so stupid. I deserve to die. He thought to himself. He grabbed his hair in his fist and shook his head continuously.

How can I be so foolish? How can I cheat on Shizuka? How am I going to confront her. He said with tears in his eyes. He streamed, that reachies Dekisuki's ear. Nobita feels so miserable and pathetic. He was disgusted,not in degisuki but in himself. He clearly remembered about last night. He himself was the one who started all the mess. He didn't blame Dekisuki for this.

Nobita here is your food, freshen up and eat this. Dekisuki said entering Nobita's room. He was carrying a tray filled with foods and fruits. Nobita just stares at him and for the first time his heart forgot to beat. He was just staring at Dekisuki and doing nothing else.

Stop staring at me or do you want me to do it again with you? Dekisuki asked and poor Nobita just blushed again remembering their wild night.  What are we going to do now Dekisuki? How am I going to explain this to Shizuka? Nobita asked still in his bed. He was stressed about shizuka. He really loved shizuka from the bottom of his heart. He really doesn't want shizuka to leave him. He still wanted to be with Shizuka. So, he decided, his decision was to not involve shizuka in this matter and don't inform her about his cheating.

Dekisuki can do me a favor, please don't tell Shizuka about this matter. Nobita said with a pleading voice. His eyes were begging for a positive answer.

What will I get in return? Dekisuki asked.
How much money do you want?
I don't want your money. Dekisuki replied with a deep voice. He was irritated by Nobita's words.
Then, what do you want?

"I want you!"

Okay reader thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do then please tell me. That can motivate me to do my best with other chapters also.
And yeah, please vote and comment also!!
The next chapter will be uploaded soon.

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