Chapter Fifteen

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Dean's POV

At last, we were returning home. Sammy was bursting with excitement at the news and I will admit, I missed him too.

On the downside, Cas was behaving quite shady lately and I was curious as to why. I would ask him if he was okay, and he would simply reply with the common lie "I'm fine." But I wasn't going to stop until I got the truth. Though, I've already anticipated what the outcomes may be...

"Dean, the taxi is here. Lets go."

"Alright, I'm coming." I pick up my suitcase and place it in the boot of the car. I walk around to the back door and slide in with Cas.

"You excited to head home?" I ask him.

"Don't care really. As long as I'm with you."

He leans over and pecks my lips gently. I take his hand and interlock our fingers.

I notice that his smile vanishes in a second once he gazes out the window. He was definitely hiding something from me.


Castiel's POV


Dean was driving me insane. He knew that I was hiding something and there's no way he's finding out what. I feel guilty for thinking this, but sometimes I wish I'd never have met him. I should be dead now and those innocent people should be alive and living happily with their families.

Dean Winchester.

He's the one who's changed everything.

I still think of suicide. It may be the best option to save my potential victims, but I know it will hurt the one person who I truly care for. And that is the mere reason I breathe.

We reached the airport and had gone trough the procedures. It was time to enter the plane.

I was able detect a hint of terror in Dean's eyes. I slid my arm through his and clutched it tightly, giving him a smile. He smiled back at me. We were going to be fine.

Dean's hands begin to tremble. "What's wrong Dean?" I ask worriedly.

"I hate planes. Scares the living crap out of me."

Poor Dean. It must have been terrible for him, flying over here to find me. "It's okay Dean, I'm here. Nothing is going to happen to you."

For the remaining time of the flight, Dean curls up into a ball with his head placed on my lap, attempting to get some sleep. I feel his body shivering on top of my own, so I run my fingers through his hair in a soothing rhythm.

Once Dean finally falls asleep, I rest my head back on the seat and shut my eyes, with my hand still playing with Dean's hair.

That man. That poor man. The guilt was eating at me. I can't imagine how his family would feel once discovering the news...

I sighed and opened my eyes. There was no way I was going to get any sleep. Not at this rate.


Dean's POV

"Cas hurry up! How long does it take to put a jacket on?"

Cas rushes down the stairs wearing one of my vintage leather jackets. He looked incredibly hot. Damn.

"You should wear it more often, it suits you." I say and kiss him on the lips.

"Thank you Dean."

We exit our new house and walk down the dark street, listening to the multiple dogs bark as we stroll past their backyards.

It was 9pm, the night was chilly but I soft of liked it. I liked the feeling of the lonely walkways with street lamps illuminating the path. And I liked having Cas alongside with me. It was sort of romantic. I liked it.

We stepped into the DVD video store and began to browse the shelves.

"What kind of movie do you want to rent Cas?"

"I don't mind Dean, you can choose."

I continued browsing and finally selected something that we both agreed on; The Lion King.

As we reached home I brought some blankets and put the movie on, while Cas was in the kitchen making popcorn and bringing chilled cans of Coke.

We snuggled up together under the wooly blanket and watched the movie.


"Cas it's okay, Simba is going to be fine" I said. We both got a little emotional at the scene where Mufasa died. Cas, a little too much.

Shortly after we ended up making out, completely neglecting the movie. The popcorn had been kicked onto the carpet, leaving the blanket caught between our legs.

The taste of Cas was delicious; vanilla and lime. We pulled away and I brushed away any stray strands of hair from his face. I stared into his eyes.

"Damn Cas, do you know how much I love you?"

"I love you too Dean."


I felt my head drop down a little. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Dean we're here."

I yawned. "Did you get any sleep?" I asked Cas, noticing the tiredness evident on his face.

"No, I couldn't seem to."

"Oh well, we can both sleep when we get home."

I stand up and and take his hand, pulling him up. We exit the plane and I notice a small smile playing at Cas's lips.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, I just heard you talking in your sleep."

He chuckles and looks up at me. "I love you too Winchester."

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