Wedding Crashers! Episode 3

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It is night is the hero's female cabin and everyone (On the hero's team) is still shocked at what happened.

Gwen sits up in her bed "I can't believe it... How...?"

Izzy says while hanging upside down "She broke the rules, and she wasn't too good at hiding it! I mean if you're going to bring something with you into the forest, I would've snuck a bear costume or laser guns not something as boring as lip gloss!"

Gwen looks at Izzy and sighs "I guess some people never really change.... Still why did Heather remind Chris about the rule why would she care if one of the Nancies got eliminated..."

Izzy exclaims "Maybe she's trying to cover up that she's the one who planted the lip gloss on Lindsay! Or maybe she's a bear in disguise!"

Gwen realizes something "Heather would plant lipstick on Lindsay." Gwen scoffs.

Izzy is snoring as Gwen sighs. Gwen looks over at Izzy who is asleep. Gwen has set her mind on confronting Heather in the morning. 

In the morning at the winners house. 

Heather is sitting on one of the red leather chairs drinking cocktails as she watches Courtney writing on a whiteboard.

Heather says "Why are you acting like some sort of mad woman. You remind me of Izzy. She really hasn't changed."

Cortney stops writing on the whiteboard and looks at Heather. 

Courtney scoffs "I'm strategizing. We almost lost yesterday."

Heather rolls her eyes "We didn't almost lose.  We got second place but we can do better especially we don't have that freakazoid mutant with us."

Duncan walks over holding a plate of food "Hey Chicks why aren't you in the breakfast hall it's breakfast time and the food is great."

Courtney scoffs "We don't have time for relaxing around we have to be vigilant."

Duncan chuckle "Come on Miss Lawyer loosen up."

Courtney glares at him as Heather leaves the room.

Heather walks down to the common area to see Crystal who is waiting for her.

Crystal looks at Heather and smiles "Heather! Thank you so much for yesterday! I was scared we might have to vote off a teammate..."

Heather pats Crystal's shoulder "NO problem we're in an alliance after all. An Alliance helps each other plus you're the one who planted the lip gloss so I should be thanking you."

Crystal looks down regretting what she did "I-i didn't mean to! She just dropped it a-and I wanted to give it back to her! I didn't mean to get her eliminated..."

Heather reassures "Hey Hey You did good. You saved your team from getting eliminated. Lindsay was just a roadblock blocking your path to victory."

Crystal perks up slightly "You're right but that doesn't mean it feels right... I felt so bad that I couldn't stop thinking about it and how though it was an accident... it's still my fault.... Will I have to do that a lot..."

Heather reassures her "Don't worry you'll be fine No one will hate you. It's just a Tv show no one's going to hold a grudge we're all adults." 

Heather confessional

Heather scoffs "She's way too easy to manipulate. People like her are too soft I'm going to enjoy using her to do my bidding but I have to make sure she doesn't get too friendly with leshauna or gwen those two have grudges against me for sure. I have to be her only friend beside maybe her partner what was his name... Ian yeah. I will win with my foolproof alliance."

Crystal Confessional

Crystal is looking around the porta potty  for the camera before seeing it "O-oh! Um... Am I just supposed to talk... Is it already recording. Um Alright! Hi! I'm Crystal Keyaw and so far everyone has been so nice! I've never watched the show so I'm not sure if this is what happens on this show. Um well I am still shocked that Lindsay was Eliminated because of me... Heather is in an alliance with me! She's super nice she even consoled me! I'm so glad I got to meet her! I hope we can work together a lot! And hopefully we can be friends!"

Back with Crystal and Heather.

Crystal exclaims "I'm so glad we're in an alliance you're really nice Heather!" She smiles.

Heather smile "Me too"

The speakers turn on "Hello Hello please go to the huge run way!"

Crystal asks "What huge runway?"

Heather stares agape at the sight of a huge wedding cake in the distance. "It's probably over there. Get ready to help me in the next challenge if needed."

Crystal nods "Alright!" They run over the the wedding cake meeting up with the others.

Alejandro hugs Heather "I'm so glad you're here mi amor. How come you weren't there this morning?"

Heather scoffs "I was busy so leave me alone." Heather pushes Alejandro away.

Courtney is assessing the situation "So this challenge will be based around the wedding theme. Finally leaning into the romance faction of Romance Adventure. I expected this."

Duncan chuckles "Come on miss lawyer lighten up."

Courtney glares at him.

Crystal walks over to her teammates.

Leshauna asks "Girl where were you!? Are you alright? Did that nasty Heather do anything bad to you?" 

Crystal chuckles "I'm fine Leshauna! Don't worry!" Crystal pats Leshauna's shoulder.

Chris enters wearing a tuxedo and chef wearing a wedding dress.

Chris exclaims "Hello Campers! Todays challenge will be a partner challenge! Today you will be planning and setting up wedding venues!"

Sierra exclaims "OMG! CODYKINS WE GET TO HAVE A WEDDING!" Sierra squeals jumping up and down carrying Cody.

Cody sighs "Why chris...."

Alejandro looks at Heather and she looks at him and they smirk. They know they've got an advantage because they're planning an actual wedding.

Leshauna asks "What about me I don't have a partner?"

Chris says "Oh you're right. You get to help the newbies with no love experience with their decorations."

Ian exclaims "It's like she's a wedding planner!"

Crystal exclaims "I'm so excited to plan a wedding with you!"

Heather glares at Leshauna.

Heather scoffs "She better be careful. I can't lose her yet." Alejandro wrap an arm around her shoudler.

Alejandro asks "Don't worry Mi Amor She's to Gullible to believe you would do any bad."

Heather says "I know."

Chris exclaims "There are six plot for you to decorate and there are six stations to make wedding dresses and tuxedos! Go!"

They each run to their plots.

Gwen says awkwardly "Well I guess we're having a wedding. heh...."

Trent rubs the back of his head "Yeah... We can do this Let's do this!"

Owen and Izzy's plot


Izzy exclaims "With explosions! Explosivo is back baby! HAHAHA!"


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