3: Ridiculous

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"That was fun I can't lie." Jongho laughs lightly as they continued their way to Mr. Jeo's office.

"Everything's fun if you try it." Yeosang quotes.

"He's not wrong." Future joins in.

"Has Minho been your friend for a while?" he suddenly asks, catching him off guard for a moment.

"Yeah, we met in a random archery field back when I was still in College. And then we found out we almost had the same interests so we kept in touch, now we're Inventors here and playing archery at the same time." Yeosang simply explains.

Jongho only nods his head.

"He has a lot to say." Future says and the older raises a brow.

"Who?" Yeosang curiously asked.

An awkward laugh left the other's lips, "Don't worry about him." he clears his throat, "By the way are you still going to show me your first creation?"

Yeosang blinks rapidly, "Yeah sure- almost forgot." he scratched his nape.

At some point they were walking through the corridors of all the inventor's office doors and Yeosang's office was the first door they passed by. Jongho was quick enough to read the sign on the door which had his name carved on it.

"Now that has to be a coincidence." he chuckles.

Yeosang exhales lightly, "Well since we're here, I'll just show you and I'll walk you to Mr. Jeo's office right after."

The younger watches him take out his keys and unlocked the door before turning the knob to open it. He walks inside with Jongho following behind him. The place was decorated simply but attractively. Paintings on the wall, a wooden desk with a computer, plants by the small window, a bookshelf with a few books but a lot of plants. Like a lot.

"I can see that you love plants." Jongho mentions in amusement.

"I know right? They make the place less lonely." he smiles.

Yeosang walks to his drawers, finding a specific item he created after he made the grabber. "Please don't laugh at it, I made it when I was still young and I really didn't know what I was thinking of back then."

Jongho smiles to himself, "Ofcourse I won't."

The older smiles in relief as he continued to search for it. Until he finally found it and showed it to Jongho.

"Here it is!" he takes out a realistic heart shaped pendant necklace. It was red and to Jongho's surprise, it was beating. It looked so real you'd think it wasn't fake.

"Is it-"

"Real? Yes it is." Yeosang proudly says.

He had to take a closer look, "How did you?" he held it in his hands, watching it beat repeatedly. Unable to form a proper sentence because of how beautiful it looked.

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