Chapter 3

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My eyes struggled to open, feeling heavy with sleep that crusted at the corners of my eyelids. Gently lifting a hand to rub them free, I took a deep breath and smelled a soft hint of rosewater in the room. With my eyes freed from their prison, I stretched out nearly every muscle in my body while releasing a yawn that made me lightheaded.

I hadn't felt this at-ease in years.

Gentle sunlight streamed in through the open window on the neighboring wall, casting its glow and illuminating the room with warmth while I cautiously sat up. The bed barely looked disturbed from my sleep, a welcome surprise from the normally-haphazard state I knew my personal bed was always in before becoming distracted by the soft linen wrapped around my form. Its design was reminiscent of older nightgowns, the neckline wide and nearly sliding off my shoulders while barely exposing some chest cleavage.

"I apologize for the change of dress," A soft voice called out, drawing my focus to the goddess sitting on one of the chaise lounges within the room, "It's the modest article I own."

A rather thick book lay open in their hands as their knees propped it up, their eyes continuing to read before they lifted their head towards me. Aphrodite relaxed their legs just enough to become a little more at ease, their back comfortably positioned against the chaise arm.

"'s not an issue," I partially lied, "Just surprised."

They allowed the silence to carry before they closed the book, setting it aside and moving to fully sit up on the lounge, "Would you like to have something to eat?"

The mention of food caused my stomach to grumble, embarrassment flushing my face as I pressed a hand against it, "If that's okay..."

Aphrodite stood up and held out a hand towards me, my body moving to respond as I mirrored their action before walking closer to them. They took my hand in theirs and gently led me out of the room, taking slower steps as my body began waking up and remembering how to function. I relished the fragrance they chose to wear, the source of rosewater coming from them.

They led me down to the kitchen, the noise within indicating that it was in use.

"My lady, good day," Dimitra greeted her master when we entered the small eatery next to the kitchen, "Kallos, good day."

The smell of cooked fish and baked greens flooded my nose, drawing another rumble of desire from my stomach. Aphrodite allowed me to sit at one of the tables, ensuring that I was seated securely before taking her own place across from me, "We've been waiting for a while for you to awaken, Kallos."

"How long is 'a while'?" I had to restrain myself from devouring the food as soon as it was set in front of me. Grilled white fish filets were sprinkled with rosemary and oregano, glistening with either butter or oil, while cuts of asparagus and zucchini boasted some kind of crushed pepper and crumbs of rock salt.

"Three days," The goddess gave a small laugh, "No need for manners, florist. Eat your fill."

With their permission, I indulged myself while Dimitra brought out plate after plate to replace what I ate. The fish and veggies were replaced with eggplant and noodles before a cut of perfectly grilled steak and potatoes were brought out.

I ate everything I could, enjoying the different flavors that Dimitra somehow managed to create. After what felt like forever, my hunger was finally sated and I gently put my fork down with finality.

Aphrodite merely watched me as I enjoyed every meal, their eyes taking in every movement I made like a mother watching their toddler eating on their own. It was strangely comforting.

Three days...

"Aphrodite, if it's not too much of a bother, am I able to go to your garden?" My brow creased in worry as the bouquet project entered my mind. While I fervently hoped that it wouldn't be destroyed at this point, all of my hard work could be dead.

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