Chapter 4

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"Then..." Ares' voice grew closer as a shadow fell over the rose bush I had been shoved into, "You can settle your toy's debt with me."

A muffled yelp sounded before a sharp 'crack' echoed in the garden, the snap of flesh hitting flesh.

"You dare attempt that here?!" The goddess shouted in disbelief, her tone dropping lower into a masculine range, "You dare defile my garden?!"

A heavy wave of pressure crushed the area, my body left weak as I struggled to breathe. Was this the power of a deity?

"There is no debt between you and them," The term made my heart flutter and my body ache for something, "I have given you my answer, now leave!"

The pressure against my body somehow grew hot, the nerves under my skin lit up with a desire that I couldn't place while my chest grew uncomfortable. A small heat began to pool between my legs as I kept as still as possible, not wanting to draw attention to myself and not knowing which of the deities was causing this sensation.

I knew of arousal, had played with it while at home alone, but this was something more powerful...more intimate.

Was this Aphrodite's influence?

Silence grew outside the rose bush before someone released the breath they were holding. My eyes widened when I realized it was me, instantly closing my mouth and squeezing my eyes shut with hopes that Ares hadn't heard me.

A hand brushed against my forearm and trailed up to my shoulder, my skin prickling at the sensation. Before I could open my eyes, I felt the hand gently pull at me while my body willfully followed its direction and into someone's arms.

"Hush...It's okay, Kallos," Aphrodite's masculine voice was a gentle rumble in his chest, my body suddenly craving to hear more.

"I..." My tongue flapped uselessly within my mouth, fighting every urge to look up into his face. With a few deep breaths, I tried speaking again, "I said I was immune..."

"I thought you were," Aphrodite laughed a little, the tone falling into a neutral range. I felt their body shift against mine, the strong pectoral muscles softening while their frame became a little smaller.

I risked opening my eyes to see the goddess of beauty looking down at me, a gentle smile on their face as their hands steadied me in the kneeling position we were both in.

"I guess my divine power can overwhelm your natural immunity," They offered an awkward chuckle before lowering their hands from my shoulders, "That or you've started to develop feelings for me."

The statement was meant to be a joke, meant to erase the weird tension in the air.

Instead, the idea confirmed my feelings, "Yeah, must be the latter."

"'Latter'? Not the form--!" Aphrodite had started before I silenced their question with a kiss. It took everything I had to not grip their shoulders, to not bring them close and devour them with kisses. My hands trembled with exertion, my fingers intertwined with the blades of grass beneath us so as to not touch their body in an erotic way despite the thoughts in my head.

The kiss became nearly feverish as our lips parted and locked together once again, Aphrodite's tongue teasing my bottom lip before I opened my mouth to them. When our tongues danced against each other, they seemed to snap out of the reverie and pulled away.

Arousal flooded my nerves as I was left breathless from the kiss, both appalled and surprised that I was allowed to do such a thing with a deity.

I couldn't bear to look at Aphrodite, not wanting to see the shame on their face.

Beauty Beyond Skin Deep (Aphrodite!Todomatsu and Reader)Where stories live. Discover now